Nadia Sweet cherry x plum hybrid

Thanks! That’s reassuring.

It looks awesome.

Isn’t the seed more cherry like or am i just pulling that out of somewhere? I think it will still be a neat fruit to have just for something different, even if the flavor isn’t out of this world.

Yes, I hope though it is awesome? @fruitnut, that first fruit, let it sit nice and long on the tree!
I posted some info on the stone, but seeing one would be better.
Size.—very small, length 1 cm, width 1 cm.

That’s about 0.4 inches wide and long, sounds fairly small to me!

They told me because so many orders that it would be shipped around April or May. They say that they couldn’t be sure. I just hope they don’t run out by that time.

Too bad I don’t live in America, not available here…:disappointed_relieved:

It is an Aussie cultivar so maybe it will make it your way some day.


Since I was Young I have closely followed new fruit varieties, now I’m an Old man, usually it takes wait five years. By this time I am aware of experiences from all of you, I am very happy with it.!

Thanks to this Forum it went a new ‘fruit-world’ open to me!


It does suck, but then again many of us are getting into heirlooms, it’s not always the new and improved. My favorite peach is Indian Free and it’s at least 150 years old. So much for the new and improved. I would look for such trees in your area. The best of the best may already be there.

They will do fine.

Last year, I requested Raintree to ship my order late-March, which they did, and all the trees survived. I ordered a multi-graft pluot, Leah-cot aprium, shakar-pareh plumcot, sweet bagel peach, plus some berties.

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Indeed the Flemish and French heirloom pears are divine, so did the old European plums with their delicious aromas are superior.
I’am glad to have them in collection.

According to the, “They have tests plots in parts of Europe and the United Kindom.” So you may be lucky and taste a couple of Nadias this year.

Yeah but Alcedo is in the Netherlands, so I bet even if it makes it to England, it still could be years before one could get it in the Netherlands,

I was really into music when i was young and I met and got to know many people from the Netherlands. We traded live music, and rare records and such. I miss those days as we would or only could correspond by mail. So a package would come, and besides the music a long letter was included. With some I became close and I’m still in contact with 3 or 4 guys. Now strictly through the internet. One guy was in service of your Queen! He worked at various embassies, and had a very interesting life. He was in Syria 10 years ago, and his perceptions of the various places he was stationed were fascinating to read. I guess he served your old Queen? As you guys have a King (and Queen) now right? Most people here know about the Queen of England, yet have no idea about your Royal Family or that there was even such a thing as a Royal Family in the Netherlands.

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Alcedo! You sound like a very young man to me. Anyone will to grow fruit trees has a young spirit!

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I think Alcedo and me will be old men before Nadia gets available for home growers in EU. The exclusive rights were bought by some company (I think Univeg), but we can still buy it in the stores if we get lucky.

I was checking temperatures in Shepparton, Victoria, AU where Nadia is Ripening January 5th, comparing their maturity charts and it seems like Nadia should be ripening right after Santa Rosa around Dapple Supreme/Moorpark apricot time.

It took seven years for Nadia to be introduced in the United States. It was patented in 2009.

I got so excited when the first plum x cherry patent, Nadia, got published on patents in class plt/180. But then, I got dissapointed after reading that it was only available in Australia and not the USA. Then in 2015, I was going to place an order for a Tri-lite peachplum at Raintree nursery, suddenly, I saw that they had Nadia for Sale. I jumped with excitement! And I quickly ordered two trees. After I placed my order, I spread the message on Gardenweb about Nadia.


Yes, i was wondering about that.

I was wondering if the Nadia is comparable as a multi graft for other sweet cherries since it is 50:50 cherry/plum.


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I’ve been wondering the same thing. The first thing i’m doing with it is going to be grafting a Lapins to it and see if it takes, along with a plum/plout… I doubt its been tried, or if it has, probably only in Australia. If we can get a plum then we can graft a peach/nectarine to that since i doubt those will graft dirctly to Nadia…

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They made it somehow by grafting it so I am sure you can take off from where they left it when the patent runs out.

We are not worrying about the patent because we will use it at an understock to graft sweet cherries and pluots to it.
