Nadia Sweet cherry x plum hybrid

My Satsuma seemed to bloom very early last year…but this year i think everything blooms at the same time. My garage stuff is further along then my outdoor stuff…and they haven’t seen any sun yet (haven’t been moved out)…must be the warmer overnight temps in there.

I may have to keep bringing pollen from the backyard, and hand pollinating if Satsuma blooms early. Mine looks more advanced, but only had maybe 10 flowers, it’s only 2nd leaf. My Weeping Santa Rosa is not even here yet! I’m putting it in this year a replacement tree (free). The pluots are about 100 feet away with a house in between.

Ours set zero. Plenty of blooms. Plenty of plums within 15 ft blooming at the same time. Lots of pollinators. It is what it is.

I am planning on a couple of Nadia for next year. I have been searching for chill hour requirements. Does anyone know what chill is required?

We don’t really know at this point. We’re all thinking it’s on the lower side, since this cultivar came out of Australia. My first Nadia I planted last year did not make it. My 2nd Nadia planted much earlier this year is leafing out very, very nicely. We’ll see how it does here in my lower chill area (zone 10b/23, N. San Diego county, coastal area). I probably have the least amount of chill hours of about anyone with a Nadia, currently, I think.

Patty S.

I talked to my Auusie friend about Nadia. He works in the US but everyone in his family still live in Australia.

He asked his family and friends over there about Nadia for me. None of them have ever heard, seen or eaten it. That’s the end of my attempt to get an inside scoop :grin:


I have the same experiences of what you say

Update on bloom order.

Nadia (first bloomer for me, close to first apricots)
Flavor Supreme & Satsuma- starting about a day after Nadia
Geo Pride- maybe a bit (0.5-1 days) behind FS and Satsuma
Flavor Grenade & Mariposa- about 3 days behind Nadia (first flowers are just opening today)

Nadia still has more flowers which have yet to open, so there should be some overlap between all of these. I have no idea what is pollen compatible. I did a few half-hearted attempts with Q-tips this morning, just in case the bees aren’t up to it. If I see set on just those branches I guess I’ll know.

Bob, how do you think the cold weather will affect your pollination?

I was about to post this on Alan’s thread about the upcoming freeze(s). But, since you ask, I’ll put it here instead:

Starting Sunday night, I’ve got 27, 24, and 21 forecast. I’m thinking about getting out a few tarps and maybe a light bulb. I really want to protect my Nadia and the pluots.

Maybe some apricots (Early Blush in particular) as well. They don’t live long enough for me that I don’t want to give up any productive years.

Newbie here, came across the thread on a search.
I live in Seattle, and came across Nadia at 50% off bare-root at Swanson’s (clearing out all the bare root) yesterday. Since I saw some folks were local, thought people would want to know.
Really interested in this fruit, but I am running out of space for more trees to plant both this and a plum to pollenate it. Would flowering plums (Thundercloud Purpleleaf Plum), work to pollenate Nadia? I have two of those on the sidewalk.
I have sweet and sour cherries, but sounds like the timing would not work for pollination with those.

I don’t have the answer to your question about whether the flowering plums would work as pollinators, but if you have room for only the one new tree, you can graft appropriate plum wood to it. That would save you space and provide variety as well as pollination.

Welcome to the forum!

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Since you are in Eurpoe and none of the people you know has heard of Nadia. None of my Aussie friends and his family have heard of Nadia.

This makes this fruit tree an international tree of the mystery. The plot is thickened :grin:


It might work. My Santa Rosa and Mariposa plums get pollinated by my neighbor’s Krauter vesuvious plum. In fact, I have several red-leafed hybrids between KV x Santa Rosa, and One Mariposa x Kv plum.

My friend’s Nadia has been shipped. It will probably arrive on Thursday. Hopefully, he would join us on this thread.

Mariposa plum, seed parent, x Krauter Vesuvious Myrobalan plum, pollen parent.




As much as I can judge by the only two flower buds I have on Nadia… It is flowering right now.
It was about two weeks behind my two apricots, about a week behind Beauty Asian plum, but it still overlapped with it. Kuban comet plum started to flower at the same time as Nadia. Sweet cherry Vandalay is beginning to flower so it will partially overlap with Nadia.

Helo Itheweatherman.
How is your burgundy plum now and how the quality of its fruit?
I would like to ask so I can decide which plant for pollinator for my Nadia plum, Thanks.

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It has only produced twice, so I dont have enough info regarding its flavor.