She came over when our 2 dogs taking a nap. Too bad
Yes they are about 2 ft height Greg. Some tree with lower branches I could not make it hight enough.
Brady did you taste your Nadia yet? Does anyone else have fruit on their Nadia trees?
No,not yet.They are still firm,but changing color and still about the same size as last pic. Brady
This is my latest update on the Nadia Crush Saga.Not too good.Something,probably a Squirrel,decided to take some bites out of a fruit.So now,only two are left.
I’ve been putting together a screened area adjacent to the greenhouse,where the Nadia is and the little culprit is making me speed up the process.I stretched 30% shade cloth around a frame and will put PVC hoops on top to support bird netting.
The Nadia and other fruiting trees will go in there,which may relieve Spider Mite pressure this Summer.
I tasted the remainder and was more Plum flavored than Cherry.I saved the seed.Maybe the thing will grow and be better. Brady
Ouch! #%@#$X!
One of two that are left
Screened area where trees will be moved to
You must catch the intruder and make him pay dearly for his crimes.
At least we know it’s a sign of very good tasting fruit. Attract the birds or squirrels. Can’t wait man.
Okay,this is probably the last post I’m making to this thread,for the year(yay!,hey but there is always 2017) ,because the last fruit fell off the tree,I checked today and there it lay.The flavor was sweet,concentrated,almost syrupy.More Plum-like than the ones I picked up at the farmers market.They had a bit of Cherry.
The thing looks small,because it is,not much bigger than a Cherry.I really hope these get larger,as I do like the fruit.
I’d estimate the brix at 18.I guessed it at about 15 with the market Nadia and afterwards measured one at 16. Brady
The Nadia at farmer market is about the same size with the ones from your Nadia tree Brad?
The market ones were about 3 times the size of mine. Brady
Oh god I hate to be the one that resurrects this thread but @BobVance Nadia popped into my head after looking at a few of my own trees. I remember you went with the less traditional approach of not pruning your Nadia at all, instead you pulled every limb on the tree down to horizontal. After 2 years of growth I’m curious what your Nadia looks like today? Care to show us pictures? Do you have an abundance of fruiting wood? Do you anticipate a decent crop next year?
Mine has certainly put on a lot of growth, and that is despite a couple of deer attacks early on that set things back. It seems to have a very vertical growth habit. I am looking forward to trying the fruit next year.
It grew some but not a ton. The most growth came from lower down on the trunk–the longest shoot about 2 feet-- and that makes me want to cut the top right off and start the branching lower. Although the goal for me is to get fruit asap so we’ll see what happens next spring.
I have about four or five new growth branches about twenty inches on mine. My leaves got bug eaten a bit. I didn’t spray as much as I should have because my sprayer wasn’t working. I thought it need new o rings and then I took a closer look and it was just crud in the valve letting air bubble back up and out of the pump. Now I have two sprayers oh well.
I hate this had a tragic ending for you both, I read the whole thread and was on the edge of my seat like it was a good movie. If anyone is pruning Nadia this fall I’d love to try a piece of scion.
Mine is ugly looking…no doubts about it. I’ll try to shape it next year depending on fruit set. I just hope it ripens in a window that nothing else is ripe.
What did you do with the seed?
Grow them out, the weatherman is about crosses! I am too!
The kernel was dead.