The tree seems to be super vigorous, probably why it didn’t die. that is great news! I like this tree so far a lot!
Its crazy because it has just a tiny amt of leaf area…must have been enough juice in the tank to get the roots growing enough…but a month. I thought it was toast. I’ll post a pic. Its grown quite a bit even in the last few days. Im happy too…i hate losing a year.
Wow! I only have about 3" of growth on mine, but I didn’t get it till May.
I like your trunk guard.
You need a high power pellet gun . Your trees may recover. You also need some kind of wire guard around those trees.
Oh, Vincent! That’s awful! I know how happy you were to be able to get those trees. I hope they are able to recover from that damage.
Listen to Tony. Put something around them to protect them immediately. That rabbit may be back for more if it found them tasty.
I will do something the protect them very soon. Thank you Tony and MuddyMess.
Ditto on protection from the trunk. I had an asian pear get chomped all the way through by a rabbit – looked like a beaver had chewed it ( no beavers in SoCal of course). Now, I use this for covering the trunk – 4" triple wall drainage pipe. I cut it in the appropriate length (2-3 feet), cut it lengthwise, then fit it as a sleeve around the trunk. If you have a very narrow gauge chicken/poultry/aviary fencing you can use that too. I have also used peach Plantra grow tubes leftover from the vineyard. Also ditto on the pellet gun. I bought the “Hornet” model from Gamo. I do feel a bit sad taking out the fluff bottoms – but the coyotes, hawks and other miscellaneous predators aren’t doing their jobs.
Oh that would ruin a guys day, week, month. I’m not sure how long it would take me to get over that. I sorry too that that happened. Those fur balls are chasing each other around my back yard now. I saw a rabbit turd in the bed of my new Sweet Treat Sunday when I mulched it but it didn’t click. I don’t have my new trees protected either. I’m putting something around mine when I get home from work.
I forgot to mention that in the center of my Nadia pic you can see splicing tape where I grafted Flavor Supreme. It’s growing great. Also hidden by the dense leaves is a sweet cherry graft. I want to say it was Ranier but I can’t remember. It’s also growing well.
That is very good to know. I hope they hold, because this thing could build the perfect multi variety super tree.
I don’t think i’ll have enough growth to bud anything on mine this year. Maybe late depending on if this thing really starts to go.
My six new trees look a bit like that but not as bad, at least it isn’t horrible damage. Just spray and put up guards.
These damaged from Rabbit, she came over my yard the first time ever since we move in over 6 years ago. It’s safe for now but will take very long time for all trees get recovery, hopefully they ok.
The wire cages are a good start. How tall are they? I’d suggest at least 2 feet, perhaps 3 if there aren’t any scaffolds at that height. Don’t underestimate a rabbit’s ability to hang and climb up that cage. Hopefully there is something yummier and more accessible close by to not make it worth their effort. My cottontails can and do scale a 3 foot tall chickenwire fence to get access to the garden. Dang bunnies.
get a cat。