I hope that’s correct as I grafted Laroda right unto Nadia, and both grafts appear to have taken. I also added Spring Satin and Lavina to the tree, and right next to it will be Satsuma, Toka, Superior, and Vermont. This year only Satsuma was close. I marked a few branches and used pluot pollen from a tree that is far away from it. It looks like only Dapple Dandy worked, I’ll know more in a couple weeks.
Sounds like you’ve got it covered Drew! Dapple Dandy is a good pollinator, I have it in my back yard orchard. Good luck!
Back at ya! I saw I do have sporadic fruit set, how much is hard to tell? Satsuma set fruit too, so maybe they like each other? Adding more cultivars is a good thing too, make sure I get maximum potential.
It looks like Satsuma pollen will work for Nadia and vice versa. I tried various pollen, and about 20 feet away is Satsuma. The tree is full of fruit, so it looks like Satsuma works. I can’t say if the other tree pollen I tried worked as fruit is all over. Good news for me. So if I can keep the fruit on the tree, maybe I’ll get a taste this year. It is a great year for plums here. Even my Flavor Supreme has about 40 fruits, Flavor King, Queen, and Dapple Dandy are loaded to the gills with fruits, as is Satsuma. So it looks like I don’t have to hand pollinate Flavor Supreme, which is even more good news. The tree just needs time to mature. It’s 5th leaf, and took that long to get a good fruit set here.
Is it a dog for you in other years? You often read it is not setting fruit well. I planted it a month ago and really hope to get to taste that famous fruit (not this year though).
It has been, but I think this plant needs time, and also I had some bad years for everything. I think it sets poorly the first few years, I may be wrong? I’m just glad I didn’t pull it. Flavor King is just as worthwhile, it’s really good, and very different tasting,at least to me. It sets better. None of my pluots set very good till this year, it may not be the best choice for the area, I don’t care, even having a dozen fruits a year is worth it to me. And this year I should get maybe 70 pluots. I will probably have to thin Flavor Supreme down to 20 fruits, it’s only one scaffold not a whole tree.
Scott pulled most of his pluots because of poor performance, but I’m not in the Northeast, I don’t get as bad or as many late freezes as they do. I feel it’s premature to pull them. If they do as well next year I’ll be happy and consider them keepers (which I already do even with poor performance)
I have Flavor Supreme in the ground (2nd year)…it flowered, but not many fruit look to be forming. I also have it in my 4 in 1 pluot and that tree is loaded…so either a—the tree is too young b–poor pollination …maybe both… i think i’ll graft onto that in ground tree some pollinators.
My 4 in 1 pluots are 5 years this season in their half whisky barrels… you can see the fruiting spurs are getting old…a lot of them don’t produce flowers anymore. The whole thing needs to be reworked some, but its my main source of pluots and hate to lose a year or 2 of production.
It can’t hurt. I grafted a few other pluots unto mine this year.
How well brached are each of the scaffolds? perhaps you can rework each of the sub braches at different levels of rejuvenation cuts.
Beautiful orchard!
Who’s planning to plant Nadia’s seeds?
I will.
For those who used a plum as a pollinator, the seedlings parentage will be 75% plum, 25% cherry. And for those who used Dapple Dandy, Flavor Queen, Flavorosa, and Flavor Supreme pluots as pollinators, the seedlings’ parentage is going to be 12.50% apricot, 25% cherry, and 63.25% plum.
I had about a hundred blossoms but I don’t think they pollinated. I hand pollinated too with Satsuma.
The tree is pretty tall…i almost need to cut it back some…its well branched
Keep us updated, if the flower dies on the stem, doesn’t fall off, still a chance. The initial fruit is about the size of a BB. Mine are at this stage now. All of these dead flowers have fruit. A couple lost the pedals. It’s possible my pluots did the job although their is a 2 story house between them and this tree. My Satsuma is loaded too. My tree is third leaf I think? It flowered last year but didn’t set any fruit. Rather typical of sweet cherries not to bear to at least the 3rd year. I have had them take as long as 6 years before fruit set on self fertile sweet cherries. Especially if not getting full sun. My Nadia is in full sun dawn to dusk.
How old is it? My tree was big last year too. Too bad. I’m having a perfect storm here for whatever reason the fruit Gods are shining light on my garden. Everything set fruit, and set heavy except the Nectaplum, which has set heavy the last 2 years?? I thinned plenty, not sure what happened? It has fruit, only about 20 when it should have 100. Everything else is loaded, and my grafts took. My honeyberries and currants put all kinds of growth on already. The strawberries are blooming all over the yard. I had tulips, the kind that don’t come back usually, come back this year. Hope this trend continues as I knock on wood. All my figs survived winter, it goes on and on.
Mine only has eight. It had plenty of flowers, but very little fruit.
Drew my Nectaplum didn’t etc at all this year either and right after I bragged on this forum about how well it set last year! It didn’t bloom as well due to an almost total lack of chill bit it still bloomed plenty enough for a nice set. Nothing though. Dunno. Glad to hear your stuff if doing so well. I always look forward to your summer posts about your veggies!
The early Nadia flowers were open during the week of cold and rainy weather. I hand pollinated them with various pollen. This late Nadia flowers were open during the warm weather and I stopped paying attention to them, but they set fruits. I think it is weather related. The tree is in its third leaf and very vigorous. I have decent set on many J. Plums, especially beauty plum, which is completely weatherproof.
It should have set better, like you said maybe weather related? Well how it goes with this fruit. Even at my cottage I got good fruit set, the currants look like I grew them here. Almost in full shade, they set really well. First year that’s happened! I took some out, now this year I put them back! I stuck a number of cuttings in pots 2 years ago and transplanted them this year up there. Nice strong plants. i cut them down, let them form roots this year. I have so many currants this year, I didn’t need them.
Well bad news for me is my tomatoes and peppers are going to be set back as they are already planted out. Tomorrow night I’m going to cover them as we may even get a frost,nothing is ever perfect. Some of the cuttings I tried to root this year failed, and those that didn’t are just kind of in neutral with this bad weather, they need heat and sun soon else they will fail too.