I would like to do that to all three pluerries (Sweet Treat, Candy Heart, and Sugar Twist) and Nadia. Who knows what crazy combinations are possible. Many many pluot/plumcot crosses have been made, look at them all! What if we do the same with making plum/cherry crosses?
Photo shows a Nadia fruit cluster, 22 total fruit on tree. Tree was planted March, 2016.
My Nadai was one of the first to bloom. The flowers have been hanging on and the petals are just starting to drop. It’s been at least two to three weeks with flowers. I’ll take a picture tomorrow. This rain has made a lot of petals fall. My trees are just coming into fruit these last couple of years so this is a learning curve. I worked very hard at trying to pollinate everything. I even cut limbs and batted flowers against flowers on my plums and cherries. My cherries are the furthest along and I am seeing cherries and yet flowers on the same trees. I think I have a heavy cherry set on my Rainier, Stella, and Bing so far. My sweet treat had four flowers but it was just a whip last year. I tried to pollinate it too. I’ve been working hard to pollinate everything! Even the one flower on Juliet. I used a flower from Evens. I took a cue tip and brushed all the flowers on my Monty this morning. It was coming into full bloom three days ago when the rain started. The the rain hasn’t stopped till last night.
My second leaf nectaplum has about 14 fruit on it. I kept it in a pot last year root bag actually “15 gal”. I Kept it in my garage over the winter. I put all my garage plants in my green house last week, the day I showed the picture of my greenhouse, and they have just been going nuts. I was pinching six inch growth of the nectaplum and put it in a potato planter because that soil is just right. It rooted! I was driving the tractor by to mound up the potato and pinched the cutting out and the dirt fell off with one inch roots coming out of the pinched cutting. I potted it up. It will be a nectaplum on it’s own roots. I couldn’t help but to try it.
I’m going to move my nectaplum this fall. Current spot is too wet. It’s growth has been stunted. It did have a lot of blooms this spring but they all got frozen out
I think crosses with plums and pluots too could make some good plums. The cherry-plum hybrids are so far not the best. Pluots are, so I’m looking for crosses with pluots as possibly improving flavor. I’m still testing cultivars, so it’s going to be some time before I really dig in. Getting there though. Some commercial pluots look super interesting like Fall Fiesta - Beautiful blue-black skin, sweet, juicy, semi-clingstone yellow flesh. Very late, holds well on tree. an interspecific plum, includes plum, cherry, peach and nectarine in its parentage.
A lot of stuff has been done that most don’t have access to. Many of these fruit could make some interesting fruits if seed is grown out. The possibility is endless.
I prefer not to shoot off the hip, and think it out, as to what I need, or could work better. One needs to grow these fruits a long time to determine that, so I’m not really in any hurry. Ebony rose Pluot sounds like another interesting pluot.
I bought one this spring and have it planted next to my 2 years old Santa Rosa plum in a cedar 6’ x 2’ x 30" tall planter box I built. Hoping to see some good fruit in the coming years.
I can confirm this year that Nadia and Spring Satin plumcot will cross pollinate each other! Not sure about Flavor Heart pluot and Flavor Grenade pluot being able to pollinate Nadia since they are blooming at different times then Nadia. Nadia and Spring Satin have both started blooming on Apr. 12 here. I have MANY Spring Satin plumcots and just a couple of Nadia on lower limbs but most blooms on Nadia were high up around 9’ and haven’t pulled a ladder out to check those yet. Flavor Heart and Flavor Grenade started blooming on Apr. 18 and while there is some overlap, most blooms of Nadia and Spring Satin were looking almost spent! Hope this is help to others looking to plant a Nadia and get some fruit.
In a yard with multiple varieties I don’t see how one can know what pollinated what. And then there are possibly other trees within the bees range. I have no idea what pollinates what other than to look at over lapping bloom.
Nobody near me has fruit trees, yet still I have 5 possibilities. So yeah, point taken. I was just worried about it, now I don’t have to. I’ll grow some out and we can figure out what did it it in 4 or 5 years.
My fruits are falling off, or will. They all have yellow stems. I had about a hundred which isn’t many. It’s second leaf. I can tell you what doesn’t pollinate Nadia, me!
A Nadia x Spring Satin Plumcot cross would be awesome. The seedling’s parentage would be 50% plum, 25% cherry, and 25% apricot, or ( plum x cherry) x ( plum x apricot).
It could be. I have seen young trees act inconsistently. It could be a pollination problem too, or weather related damage to flowers. Damage ranges from no flowers to flowers blooming but falling off. In my short time growing fruit trees I have seen both.
When studying sweet cherries, MSU said time and again that 2nd leaf sweet cherries rarely fruit, expect fruit in 3rd leaf. If you have a 3rd leaf sweet cherry tree, and it does not flower, you can eliminate age as a factor, it’s something else. The Romance series cherries also seem to need some age to fruit. Mine didn’t fruit well til 4th leaf. It could have been other factors in my case. My Carmine Jewel has been moved 4 times. Now in full sun, and at home, not at my cottage where I originally planted it.
I just went out and looked at my Nadia and fruit is holding on green stems. Not a super large crop, but enough to get maybe 30 fruits, hard to say till they are bigger.