Ondata, my best overall fig

Hey Steve,
Crap I want it now. I have all the rest in the first picture.
Thanks for the evaluation.
My favorite fig for taste is CdD Grise. It’s so late for me here its production is low. I only get 1/3 at best of the crop. Smith is a favorite for my short season.
I’m trying to eliminate figs at this point but Ondata sounds worth getting and a few others too.
Mt Etna types are worth growing here. They can get watered down. But when they are happy and conditions are right. They surprise me when this happens. One year Malta Black was so tasty, every fig that year was really good. Some years it’s just ok. A few other Etna types did the same thing.
Olympian has a neat caramel flavor if you wait till it’s completely discolored.
Izbat an Naj not every year but some years has a unique tropical coconut flavor in super ripe figs. The most unique fig I have tasted. But growing in containers in a short season area may contribute to flavors here. Ymmv as I hear so much is true in this case.
I grow a few big figs that I use for drying only. I dry them whole these days like Turkish imported dried figs. I like them very dry and this helps protect the flesh from scorching. Figs like Nordland, Pellegrino, Golden Rainbow are huge figs that I do like dried. Also fairly big figs like Maltese Beauty and noire de Barbentane are excellent dried.


Hi Drew. Maybe next winter we could trade. I’d like to recover Flavor Treat pluot if you have that. I’ll have plenty of fig cuttings.


I have it, crap sorry I forgot about it. I’ll have more wood anyway in the fall.


Should I throw fresh meat to the wolfpack? I purchased some fig cuttings from fruitnut several months ago. I have:

3 - Ondata
3 - Smith
2 - Joualle Noire
1 - I-258

From others;
3 - Violette de Bordeauxx
2 - improved Celeste
1 - Mary Lane
1 - green/yellow seedling

I might be able to ship a few of the extras.


I’m glad to see that the cuttings worked for you. Nice going.


Thank you….if you were to recommend a second fig to my VDB for PCN 8A, you would say Ondata? Or are their flavor profiles similar? I would want different flavors for variety.

For flavor different than VdB, I’d recommend Strawberry Verte, Battaglia Green, Paradiso, or maybe Adriatic JH. Those are green figs with a different flavor than most black figs.


My opinion is the same. VdB is super prolific, ripens in time in the PNW and is very good. Crozes is good but basically average.

Smith and VdB are my best tasting figs for a short cool summer climate. Bourjasotte Grise is phenomenal, even better but late.

Black Madeira is so hard to grow here I’ve forgotten how it tastes. Definitely need a greenhouse and/or grow lights.


Isn’t part of his problem the scorching heat? Not just spoilage from wasp activity?


What comes to my mind is the challenge of growing breba producers long term in pots that have to be stored inside. You’ll need to strategize pruning to maintain enough of the last year’s wood for breba production.


I’m also of the opinion that the best tasting figs are not usually my best all around performers. Last year, Eve’s Black Cherry was my all around best performer, but the single best fig I had all season was off a Figo Preto. Other years, the best fig has come off of a reverted Bordissot Negra Rimada or Capoll Curt Negra. But the best performing fig in my orchard is the one that ripens every fig properly, even though I’m not there every day to pick as would be optimal. It’s a special quality, not to be undervalued.


I know a big collector in Palm Springs. They don’t have the wasp but are hotter than Oroville. No spoilage on any variety. The wasp can be trouble.


I never tried this one but I have 6 seedlings from it. Hoping for a male persistent fig to try pollenating some. And at least one common female. I should know by next year. Exact cross was Paradiso x UCR 271-1


Of those, which do you think would do best in a Mediterranean climate and in a pot (to move during heavy snow).

Looks like One Green World has SV.

I know nothing except I remember liking fig bars and I love fig jam on crackers with goat cheese…


That would be a good choice. It used to be my primary fig. I really need it back just for a change of pace regarding flavor. It’s a good and prolific fig.


I can send cuttings in winter. Got it from you too!


Thanks Drew but I’ve got the Angelito. It should blow SV out of the water :imp:. Or more likely be similar and I can live without SV. I’ve got too many figs but do find the taste of things like SV a nice change.


conclusion: fruitnut is a fruit nut!

;D :open_mouth:


I hope Angelito turns out to be fantastic.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this fig. I’ve been thinking of getting it. Your Ondata has a very different color compared to the FDM’s picture, which I attached below. Yours looks more like swamp green. Is it perhaps because of the greenhouse growth and lack of exposure to proper unfiltered sunlight? I am glad it doesn’t split badly for you like the other figs in the picture above. Ripening figs in a greenhouse is always a big challenge.