Emerald Beaut plum on July 26.19
Maybe experiment and leave some after first picking.They can hang on the tree a long time and get sweeter.bb
Yes . I will keep on the tree for a long time until they turn golden yellow . Maybe next year will have a lot more fruits . I have small Beauty plum and Sweet Treat pluerry near by but not sure they were pollinating in cold weather. I may replace them with Catalina Plum later if the Sweet treat quality not too good Brady.
On my site in south non-coastal NYS it appears to be frail and a tree I bought has struggled to survive serious cambium injury. I did get some good growth on parts of the tree and grafted some pieces to a pluot tree in a protected part of my property. I’d love to try this plum- someday. The grafts were the first of the season to begin growth.
You should hybridize it with apricots next year. Most of Zaiger’s pluots and plumcots have Emerald beaut plum as the seed parent in their parentage.
I am happy if Emerald Beaut plum perform well here . Still wait and see.
Apricots, Pluots, and Plumcots are not perform well in Seattle areas due to late frost, too wet and cold during blooming time and cool Summer for fruits ripping processing Ulises.
Not ready to attempt grafting yet myself, but so many good hybrids of plum and other fruits. Ilive in Vancouver, WA Zone 8b also,and love plum abd plumcots.
Good news to know that . That’s why I wondered Emerald Beaut is Plum or pluot since beginning of planting it . It’s called plum so we can replace Pluots as the fruits quality and performing well in the areas Pluots can’t . Don’t you think so?
Flavor Grenade Pluot sets really well for me and ripens fine,with hang time like the Emerald Beaut.Also,the Pluots I’ve tasted so far,this one has the closest match.bb
Looking very good Brady. At the same time 3 years ago Raintree sent me Flavors Grenade fluot on Mariana root stock. Unfortunately it wasn’t growing at all then I removed and planting in other property not sure how it doing with a lot of deers there. I think that’s one had defected . That’s why not try it again. I also received others fruit trees then die after a couple years from Raintree as well . Thank you for your information at least I know FG okay here. Will try again sometime later.
In store FG a lot bigger than EB. I like EB flavor more. Your FG planting outside not in the Greenhouse? Thank you Brady.
How is your Sugar Twist doing?bb
This the first year have fruits growing straight up and die back a lot on some branches . And Sweet Treat looks very healthy but not fruiting yet after heavy pruning last year. I might remove 2 of them if their fruits quality not too good and replace with Catalina Plum.
Candy Heart growing OK but really sensitive with cold and wet never fruits yet just moved back in container last Fall . Below the pictures of sugar twist, only 1 fruit developing and Sweet Treat.
Is that an itoh peony back there?
Emerald Beaut plum on June.18.19 in Seattle areas.
Emerald Beaut plum on July.19.19
@Bradybb when normally you Flavor Greenade pluot ready Brady?
Probably sometime in late August,Flavor Grenade is crunchy and sweet.If left on the tree,the skin starts turning more reddish and flesh gets softer.I like them earlier.bb
If I have room love to plant Flavor Grenade again. Last time Raintree gave me the defective one. Post some pictures when they ready for harvesting please. Thank you Brady.
@Bradybb, @Vincent_8B
Do you self pollinate flavor grenade pluot and I didn’t know there was a defective one out there I would like to get a pluot but I didn’t want to hand pollinate either was thinking a multi pluot tree maybe flavor grenade and flavor king? I had a flavor supreme but took it out as it flowered way too early by about a month before anof my Asians were even thinking about it. Do either recommend any of them if it’s no hand pollination?
The one I had never growing well so it called defective one . I think Flavor Greenade is the best pluot to grow in Pacific Northwest. Let’s @Bradybb give you more information because his tree performs well in the areas.
Some of my trees only 5 to 7 ft apart. So their branches will touch each other for easy pollination.
Did you purchase your Nadia from Raintree?