Taste is really subjective. But a banana-like flavor is common to many pawpaws.
I waa thinking if theres one that tastes more banana than pawpaw, so I can have some of the extremes in flavor.
I hear ya. Honestly I’ve never encountered this - banana for me is always in the background, not overt.
However come to think of it, one of my trees, a wild seedling, may be the exception. But the fruits are small and seedy. Just a novelty.
I don’t find too many ‘extremes’ in flavor with pawpaw. They tend to be blended and subtle. If you want banana flavor, eat a banana. Same with mango. I’ve never once eaten a pawpaw and thought it tasted strongly like another fruit.
The exceptions I’ve found is some pawpaws can have a pronounced vanilla flavor. Other subtle flavors commonly exist: melon, butterscotch, banana, pineapple, strawberry, durian.
Pawpaw is unique and the flavors are mellow. Anyone claiming one cultivar tastes ‘just like’ this fruit or that is probably just marketing.
Which variety of Azimina (pawpaw) has fruits with a strawberry aroma in the flavor profile?
Please tell me, are KY Legend “Magnum” and KY Legend “Titan” the same variety of pawpaw?
Yes. Magnum and Titan are the same clone.
Is it viable to “micro graft” pawpaw or does it not work? Changing one of my trees and I’d like to try to graft a seedling with a small branch off “mango”
I’ve had success with grafting tiny buds, not really ideal, but it can work.
Have you tasted Mango?
No, but only have two trees and changing sunflower and mango into Chappell and Susquehanna
Not saying it’s not out there but I’ve never come across strawberry flavor or aroma.
I’m doing similar, but adding instead of changing. Mango and Sunflower don’t seem to overlap bloom very well for me. I figure the more varieties to bloom, the better the pollenization options.
I didn’t like Mango, or Sunflower.
But they were shipped to me and I am extremely sensitive to off flavors.
Yea not a big fan of either one
I infer that your grievance with Sunflower is off flavors. In the few fruit I got this year, I thought the flavor and texture was very encouraging. The off flavors seemed tolerable in my small sample, small doses.
I’m also very sensitive to off flavors.
I would say most commercial nurseries ‘micro graft’ very small rootstocks. It does work, but the tiny trees are delicate and fragile.
Sunflower is decent many years. I have never like ‘Mango’. I agree with Murky, the texture is very nice and thick on Sunflower. KSU Benson and KSU CHappell were Sunflower x Susquehanna seedlings. Sunflower mellowed out Susquehanna and created more creaminess in the texture. Susquehanna delivered a much smaller seed ratio, large size, and rich flavor to the progeny.
Is it possible to have a multi-variety tree by grafting on to a branch? If possible, would the tree then capable of being self-fertile? Is there a form to prune the tree to that would work best with that plan in mind?
Is there a general shape that pawpaws would be pruned to, if at all?
Sorry for all the questions. I am new to pawpaw trees. Thanks in advance.
Yes, you can if you are severly limited on space. Prima is allegedly self fertile but not the best to eat imo.
There’s a lot of ways you could do it. I like my trees as a modified central leader, topped off at about 7-8ft. For a two variety tree it would probably be best to start with a smaller single variety tree, then graft the central leader at about the mid point of what you want your final height(about 4 ft). Let the secondary variety grow and top it at your desired height.
Pruning I like to take like two buds from the ends of each branch(when young and not fruiting yet), this seems to make the trees grow faster and bushier. Definitely a good time to remove branches that cross or rub(or dead/broken).
Once they start making flower buds, keep doing the same thing. The flower buds are distinct and look like little balls. Count one or two buds past your last flower bud and make your cut. That way you are not removing any fruiting wood, and continue to push the tree to be bushier.
I have a tree that I didn’t prune as a control and it grows way less every year compared to my pruned trees.
do you have any pictures of these trees?