Pawpaws Picked Today

I love September!


It was a 200g fruit. Not huge but had a firm texture and a sweet pineapple flavor.


Oh man yer killin’ me!!! :dizzy_face:

Were there any left on the trees or is that it for the season?

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I gathered about 5 pounds of fruit on Friday. There were some really nice ones still in the trees that were hard as a rock. I’m getting back in town Sunday and I am hoping there are few left. There is one fruit that’s got to be close to 300g.
This pic below was one of my favorites this season. A rich sweet cream custard. Super smooth too. 211g and 14g seed. I’ve been really impressed by the fruit in this patch. I’ve marked the trees I hope to go back to next season.


Wow yeah the texture on that one looks great!

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Ok all y’all folks have been driving me crazy, so I had to go on the hunt this afternoon. I was quite surprised to find several fruits in an area along a creek (of course). As a bonus I also found a small baggie’s worth of spicebush

The pawpaws are pretty small. Also, it’s always a problem for me to be tempted to pick fruit I would normally consider not-ready, because I figure I won’t be back or won’t beat the critters if I wait. Only a couple of these were as soft as I would pick in my own orchard.
Honestly many of the spicebush berries were not as mature as I’d like either.


Nice haul! I think those look like a real good eating size fruit. Let us know how the taste is.

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Thanks! Yeah a few of them are just about “snack size” :chocolate_bar:

I’m now in the “resistance” stage of having pawpaws in the house.

The aroma becomes so amazing, but i have to resist the urge to crack into the fruit.
For me, when I give-in and eat them at this stage, I am almost always disappointed by the really strong and/or “annonaceous/resinous” flavors that can occur, especially in wild fruit. I’m talking about the sorta “fills the back of your sinuses” pungency.

I’ve had to train myself to wait until the strong aroma stops (it does) and then eat the fruit. They are caramelly or beginning to become so at this stage, and they are generally milder.

I know everyone has their preference - this is mine :sunglasses:


Man that struggle is real. I love the smell and taste at the fruity stage. I have had a few get to the Carmel stage and I didn’t enjoy them as much but it may have been too far down that ripeness path. I have made the mistake several times this season of cutting fruit that is a little underripe. That is another problem all together… almost no flavor.

Went around my paw paw today. Didn’t realize my Taylor was ripe man they were delicious


Also my biggest Potomac was split for some reason. We did just have a lot of rain come through? Every thing else is running smallish this year my lone Susquehanna was good size last year.


Besides the splitting I have heard a lot of good things about Potomac. How is the flavor?

I just went out and picked it it was hard and very dry inside maybe lost moisture because of split? First year of fruit. Seeds not black some brown in them.


Unripe fruit.

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My wife thinks they smell like cat piss. :joy::joy::joy:

My wife thinks they smell like something rotting. I am going to plant some plums next year close to them and eventually take mine out paw paw are not my favorite and I like plums😃

For many years no animals ever ate my pawpaws. This year they are getting vacuumed up. I think the deer have taken a liking to them, and perhaps some other animals.


I’ve been watching this beauty all season. Looks like someone :badger: beat me to it. :sob:
Still hard at the end of September in the Nashville, TN


I checked my pawpaw patch today and found a lot of blossoms. No cold weather in sight so it should be a good year.Uploading: IMG_20210409_145344520.jpg…