Pawpaws Picked Today

Cool picture dude!!


Thanks! I wasn’t sure if there would be any where we were hiking but it turned out to be a fruitful trip.


How do you like Potomac? I’ve not tried it yet.

Have you tried NC-1, Susquehanna, Wabash? Potomac is in that family of richer full flavored group.

Well, I have nothing to compare it to as its the only pawpaw I’ve tasted but is it quite rich. Definitey has that banana/mango flavor. Flesh a bit firmer than some I’ve seen pictured here. I pull around 5 seeds a fruit.

As far as I can tell, it has also self pollinated and gave me 12 fruit this year. I have a young Wabash planted as a pollinator but it hasn’t flowered yet. The closest trees I know of are at a friend’s house about a quarter mile away.

Has anyone seen these stem like things that I posted early? Just not sure what to make of them…

Where in the fruit did you find it? Like dab in the middle? Near the skin? Almost looks like a growth scar from irregular growth, maybe due to cold or some injury.

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It seems to be attached to the skin and is about a half inch long.

If you look at my first pic I posted(a few posts back) I was able to scrape it off the skin and get a full view of what’s going on. It has a very root like texture and habit. My second pic shows them poking through some flesh. There were about 8 of these in that fruit.

Was it connected to any seeds?

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I didn’t notice if they were. I have a few more fruit on the tree. I’ll be careful on the next few to see if that may be the case. I’m thinking not since most of the seeds are in the middle and these don’t seems to go that far. It’s still worth investigating.

Thanks for the inquiries!

I wonder if this is anything like spongy tissue in mangos, which is caused by premature seed germination.

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Yes ,I have noticed this.
I believe it’s correlated to the nitrogen status of the tree.
Same variety ,low nitrogen levels cause early leaf drop ,
Higher N levels , leafs stay green longer in the season.
At least that’s what I am seeing here , WV.


I really enjoyed Susquehanna and Wabash. NC-1 was a little strong for me though. Once it ripened up more I liked it better.

@Barkslip loves NC-1.

For me, NC-1 is very-very tropical. Once they get past ripe and to the caramel area of flavors, that grosses me out but that’s what @Vid is speaking of I guess. An NC-1 at that super ripe stage would be super caramel(y) stage where the inside of the fruit is going brown and smelling sort of like trash. Sorry, that’s how I describe the ‘caramel’ area of pawpaws fruits.


Huh. So its not the texture, it’s the taste at that stage you dislike. I always figured more people were put off by the texture more than the taste at that stage.

I guess you never know. that’s about how I can say it (flavor & smell). You know consistency is different from flavor, so, that’s a real toughie to answer. I don’t know, Andrew.

When you say tropical what do you mean? That perfume like floral taste? I didn’t get any of what I would consider a tropical taste but I’m thinking mango and pineapple. They haven’t got to the caramel stage but are much more mellow now.

I found a wild tree that had a very nc-1 ish flavor and texture with small seeds. It wasn’t huge fruit probably 200g. I enjoyed it because it was just a little less intense than nc-1.


Strong meaning more like Susquehanna than the milder flavor of a Shenandoah. That’s what I’m saying about ‘tropical’.

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Went out picking some pawpaw in the woods next to the house. Fruit is pretty small this year and mostly seed. Good taste with the not so great aftertaste. Can’t wait for my named varieties to start fruiting. Wild persimmons next.