For peaches, there are quite a few factors which can affect fruit set. Sometimes peach trees don’t produce many flower buds. This can be driven by age, variety, amount of shade the tree produces to the lower canopy, timing of pruning, health of tree, and perhaps a few other factors.
I’ve been examining our peach trees for flower buds and noticed the flower bud development this summer was lighter than I’d prefer.
You can check your trees for flower buds by noticing the number of single buds at each node of a shoot. Single buds almost always mean a leaf bud. Multiple buds per node mean generally mean a flower bud. As the buds develop, leaf buds are somewhat smaller and slightly pointed compared to flower buds.
If the flower bud development on your peach trees is good, and you notice a plethora of flowers during bloom, then the problem is generally spring frosts, which can severely destroy blooms and young fruitlets.
If one is certain there are no spring frosts, it’s possible the flowers are being killed by blossom blight, caused by M. fructicola.
Similarly, blossom blast is another disease which can kill blooms, caused by the bacteria, P. syringae.
In rainy climates, peach leaf curl can also be a significant problem. A tree with significant peach leaf curl will quickly abort fertilized fruitlets. The peach tree will also quickly drop affected leaves and replace them with new ones.
I mention these other possibilities because it’s been well established that Redhaven peach is self-fertile. In self-fertile blooms like peaches, the flowers are “complete” which means they contain both male and female parts. The pollen only has to move a matter of millimeters from the anthers to the pistil. That’s why wind is enough to do it.
I could envision a scenario where the flowers stayed so wet that virtually no pollen was ever given the opportunity to become airborne, but I think in that hypothetical, the disease pressure would be so high, the blooms would probably die from disease pressure anyway. Peach flowers are a very delicate part of a peach tree and can be negatively affected by many things.