Pear branches growth with no leaves

What the heck is wrong with my pear tree. There are no leaves on this growth from the upper branches. It has been this way for months. My other pear trees have not done that. Is this something that is " normal"?
This is a Duchesse d’Angouleme pear tree.
Thanks for your help.


The lower leaves look like they have some type of disease? Maybe working its way down and defoliated the top already?

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I see a little scab there i think. Hit it with a fungicide. Have seen similar and in my experience it was nothing to worry about long term but not desirable either. The more leaves you lose the more it cuts into next years crop of fruit. Another words japanese beetles do much worse to my honeycrisp every year.


Maybe a giraffe got loose from the Cincinnati Zoo?


Didn’t see significant diseases. They just decided to be bold this year.

Did they ever have leaves this spring? Could it simply be they never budded out on the end length of the branch?

I do not remember if they had leaves or not. I did not them when they did not have leaves on them. It looks really odd with no leaves.

My daughter mentioned that the tree had no leaves at the top of the pear tree. So this just happened within the last couple of weeks. We picked Monark apples a couple of weeks ago and the leaves were there.

I used a different spray this year with horrible results. I will switch back to my regular spray and hit it in a few days. We are having 100 degree days here this week. I know you probably had that as well and it worked its way here. Pretty miserable outside this week.

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I asked because I’ve seen young apple trees exhibit this… The end half of the branch wakes up very late if at all.


Those branches had leaves earlier in the year. Your spray must have knocked them off. We have apple branches that leaf out late due to insufficient chilling. But that looks different. It’s not a straight limb like those. The bare wood is this year’s growth. New growth always has leaves.



Lots of 100+ F days. Tomorrow i think is dropping down to 105 degrees. If your at 100 degrees sometimes the tops of my pears turn yellow and leaves fall at these temperatures. It takes lots of heat to do that. The other day was 109 degrees.

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One of my pear trees has this too. I assumed it was birds landing on the top branches and knocking them off but i doubt thats really whats going on. The branches on my tree otherwise look healthy for now. Maybe some sort of mite or aphids?.


Maybe it has been the heat. However, of my three pear trees this is the only one that has done this, so far.
I hope you get some relief from the heat here soon.