Pear disease?

Pear scab? All the pears were great until last week when it got really hot. Now all the pears on my Duchess pear tree look like this. My Kieffer pear tree looks fine.
Is this pear scab or something else? Not sure since I normally do not grow pears.
Thanks for your help and advice. I am sure there is nothing I can do at this late stage of whatever this disease is. Bummer. This was the first year getting pears off my Duschess pear tree.


Mine too! Make lots of pear sauce. It is better than apple sauce.


Not an expert at all but I’ll suggest that if it’s not a fungal disease it could be a calcium deficiency. You might check out those possibilities.

Or, we could ask somebody who might actually know. @clarkinks , are you there?

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@MikeC @marknmt

It does look like pear scab by what i can see on my phone.

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It just showed up out of the blue. Thanks for confirming it. Too late to spray anything since it has already set in. Should I take all the fruit off now?

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It wont matter to much at this point.

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If the fruit is good for saucing I would pick tbem. I pick mine early for tht reaon, otherwise I wouldn’t get any pears at all.

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pears make good BBQ sauce


I figured as much. Once it sets in nothing else to do. Tank you for your advice.

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I have seen apples being used in BBQ sauce but not pears. Interesting to use pears in BBQ sauce.

Yes pears. It made Korean BBQ sauce famous.

Any good recipe for such BBQ sauce?

Tippy, I usually just buy a bottle of sauce from Hmart. But after searching the web, here a recipe.


Thanks for the recipe. When I take a trip to HMart, I will look for it. What brand do you like?

There are only couple brands. I buy whichever is on sale

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