Pear Harvest 2024

@mayhaw9999 @Fusion_power @noogy @rubus_chief

Crisp and sweet like many of Dr. Bell’s recommendations that are very popular are partially fireblight resistant though less so than the true seckle. A true seckel is hard to find but they are fairly resistant to fireblight. The problem is 90% of what is sold as seckle pears are not. They might look like seckle though thats it. Seckle began ripening a many pears a week or more ago.

The harrow pears are the same way partially resistant.

Dr. Bell listed Harrow Delight as highly resistant though in my area these trees are killed all the time by fireblight. The sunrise pears have been killed 3 out of 4 times by fireblight in Kansas.

This is part of his research.

Purdue pears can be viewed here like green jade

These are real seckle