We have brought up the work of Dr. Bell already many times directly and indirectly. Many questions are being posted to the forum about fireblight resistance which the full document below may help to answer. This is not be confused with similar documents
New-Fire-Blight-Resistant-Pear-Cultivars-MAFVC-2013.pdf (1.2 MB)
When they put moonglow on the ‘most resistant’ list, I don’t trust their research. I really don’t. Is this more research for the sake of being published, with no bad news allowed? It makes me highly question the entire line of breeding. They should get out more.
Flemish beauty has been more resistant if I were to put moonglow in a category for my location… and I know it’s supposedly not FB resistant but at least I get pears in my location.
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@clarkinks do you grow Elliot? If so, what has been the experience?
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How about ac harrow gold? It has one of the highest resistance ratings but I can’t find any first hand experience on the forum
I’m trying moonglow again for the reasons you mentioned.
Elliot is a new pear to me. I am attempting to grow it. @39thparallel has Elliot as well. There are others on the forum who can tell you much more than i can about it.
Harrow Gold is available through Cummins now for spring of 2025 at a premium. The Tree price isn’t bad at $37.25 , add in shipping etc. The price adds up.
Hopefully, everyone is doing well on the war with the new strain of fireblight. I know Missouri and Kansas got hit hard with yhis strain. There are people who own one or two bartlett pears in various yards around these states, but trust me when i say time is not on their side. They are one bird or locust away from a dead tree
I had to remove a fairly large fire blight infected branch from an Ayers pear a couple weeks ago. I caught it fairly early though and it hadn’t reached the main trunk.
No pear is totally without fireblight for sure.
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