This year is backwards here. The hickories which should’ve dropped first are dropping after the pecans. Pecans have been shuck split since 5-7 days ago. Some hickories have dropped but most are still on the trees. This morning I’m going to collect hicans. They should be further along since 5-7 days ago. A few hicans but only 1 of 20 had their shuck splits a week ago.
Some pecans on the ground but most of the crop is still in the trees. Good/advanced shuck split however on most meaning the shucks are split pretty well open on the trees, but the nuts are still on the trees.
I harvested my producing pecans 2 weeks ago. Squirrels, Jays, and Crows got whatever was left as I’ve been in Puerto Rico on disaster relief since Oct 11th.
I’ll do a bit more work on the Excel spreadsheet later this week adding varieties from Wes Rice’s book. His notation method is different than the format used for Georgia and Alabama website files so I have to write a conversion macro.
I have about 500 seed nuts to plant with intent to screen for good production and disease resistance. I have about 250 seed nuts from Adams #5 which is nearly immune to scab. I have about the same of Kanza crossed with a diverse mix of pollen from the Auburn E.V. Smith research farm. Most of these will be crossed with Desirable which should be an interesting mix. There are another 100 or so that were the earliest ripening varieties from E.V. Smith.
Has anyone considered “training” birds to avoid pecans? I read an article a few years ago about training jays in California to avoid Murrelet eggs by baiting nests with look-alike eggs treated with a chemical that caused severe upset digestive systems. After a few months, the jays would not touch a murrelet egg.
Hello, Anyone here grows Pecan in a northern climate now, have harvest and can send seeds?
I am looking for Far Northers or, better, Ultra Northern Pecan seeds to plant them in my yard. Even several seeds would be fine.
Better varieties would be Snaps, Deerstand, Diken, Lucas, Carlson #3, Fisher, Campbell NC4, PK Jumbo.
But Iowa, Major also looks interesting.
Unfortunately, Grimo Nut Nursery replied that they were sold out already.
I have some nuts that will work for you. It’s a nice & round nut we simply call ‘Meat’. I could also get Iowa. I’d just have to go pick some up off the ground.
Send a message to me with your address and info. about how many you would like to have.
Major will not work for you in zone 4. Iowa and Meat will.
thank you for reply! See more info in a private message.
Interesting facts is that there are several ads in my country with ‘Major’, ‘Mohawk’, ‘GreenRiver’, but I doubt if those varieties will have any harvest actually…
Hi to everyone. Is there any variety of pecans (northern) for zone 5b/6a with very late spring frosts? Im trying to find some seeds for years in my country but its impossible to find. By the way i am from Serbia. Reading online about them and still dont know much, it looks like i need 2 types for cross pollination to have nuts. I’m eager to try to see if they would succeed.
Fusion_power can u send me some information about pecans in Romania?
You can easily find information about pecan in Romania and Moldova. Here is one link.
Are you in northern Serbia closer to Timisoara? or southern Serbia with climate more similar to Bucharest? For climate comparison, Timisoara is similar to Illinois and Iowa climate while southern Romania is more similar to Kentucky and Tennessee.
Thanks guys for replies. I couldnt answer earlier because i need a computer for spell check (i forgot english), but i read on my mobile phone. @Fusion_power I read that site but nothing could get from it.
I am from south east of Serbia, closer to Bulgaria and my place have specific climate. It`s a valley with very late spring frosts sometimes, in recent years more and more often. So I think that the climate is more similar to Illinois and Iowa. @Barkslip Also read all the sites. Thanks for them, but they are too expensive for me. With shipping costs will be 1/2 of my sallary,unfortunately. I’m not in that position at the moment to be able to afford it. Last year, I bought one persimmon from Slovakia and 2 jujubes and persimmon from Bulgaria. But something else came to my mind.
I have a friend who works in America right now, and he will come in a month on vacation, so I will look for seeds from someone from the states and he will bring me when he arrives. Seeds are more affordable. I’m asking you if you may have, or you know someone has seeds ? I do not need much, just to see if they would succeed here. I think that a dozen would be enough, in case everyone does not germinate, and soI can plant them at least on 2-3 locations for testing.
The biggest question remains what variety to be? Preferably some self fertile, or to mix at least 2 types, but that it is resistant to cold. I hope that I will be able to find some until a friend goes.
Your difficulty is going to be that from seeds you will not see nuts for a minimum of 15-years. It’s not spring frosts you will be concerned with for 15-20 years, it’s if you have enough summer heat (which you do according to the conversation.) So the issue is you need grafted trees which will bear in 5-7 years to know which varieties will be successful at your location. Surely I could give all the seeds you need to your friend and you can grow them for 3-4 years and graft on them to learn the varieties best for you.
Oh man how fast you are. I know that they need a lot of time to give the nuts, but for the start I’d see if it’s possible to raise them here. Later I would graft them, I looked at the net how it was done.We do have long and hot summers, summer heat is not a problem, this year was almost +40 celzius. But it was also a big drought. Spring frosts is a problem for our walnuts. The last 2 springs late frosts picks up the leaf and they does not give walnuts. The weather is going totally crazy.
Its great that u have them, and maybe you also have some hickory nuts? I read about the pecan and they made me interesting for wood. I planted 40 black walnuts for a test on a piece of land last year.Later generations will benefit from them.
I have shellbark hickory nuts you could grow but ideally you really should graft hickory onto pecan.
I could easily supply to your friend 50 pecans for seed. Send a message if you’d like them with your friend’s address and how many.
Sounds like your weather is perfect. We have frosts here too. Far northern pecans are what you will need (exactly the same I grow.) There are southern pecans; northern pecans; far northern pecans; and ultra northern pecans. Both far northern and ultra northern seem to fit your late frosts best. Hickories will grow great for you, too. Walnuts should be fine. You know trees begin to adapt too. I’ve many times seen where southern sourced seed have adapted to my area. A friend has a grove of persimmon that after an amount of time… I don’t know how long, they began vegetating later here.
I’m planning to start a small organic pecan orchard. I’m in zone 7a, southern middle Tennessee. My reading thus far is making me think that Major and Greenriver would be the most reliable bets for consistent no-spray production. Do you have any thoughts on that?
Other varieties look good as well, like Hark, Lipan, Lakota, Amling, Kanza, Gafford, etc., but they all seem to have their own issues of one kind or another. Alternating production, inconsistent yields, or unknown long-term disease resistance (in the case of younger varieties). Would you be able to provide any insight or guidance?
About what I can tell you is if I bring northern pecans “up here” those with scab in your area stop showing scab here. If you take our far-northern pecan cultivars south, they get scab.
‘Major’ is a good nut but I would guess it’s prone to scab. A complete guess. I would nix it and decide upon ‘Kanza’.
‘Greenriver’ is an excellent pecan. I’ve had some shipped to me from @Lucky_P. It was years ago though so I don’t recall the kernel color but I remember being impressed.
The whiter the kernel color the more desirable the cultivar. ‘Hark’ and ‘Kanza’ are blonde/white. Two very excellent cultivars. ‘Greenriver’ may fit right there among them. The other thing is pollination. I know ‘Hark’ and ‘Kanza’ are excellent mates. I would need to check where ‘Greenriver’ fits regarding pollination.
Besides Lucky, you would be best off to consult with William/Bill Reid. Go to his blog and call him. He’s thee man with all the knowledge… for your area. Northern Pecans Blog
‘Major’ is exceptionally scab-resistant. So much so that USDA/ARS has used it extensively in their breeding program as a source of scab resistance… It’s the parent of scab-resistant varieties, Kanza, Lakota, the Yates series (68, 127, 152, etc.), and grandparent of Osage; probably the parent of Hark.
It’s a small enough nut that it probably would not be recommended for the Southern pecan belt, but I’ll bet you that it would still exhibit scab-resistance far above most Southern pecan varieties.