Persimmon protection, Saijo persimmon hardiness, and deer

That’s amazing it took almost 1.5 years to bud out!


Yes , it took 1 1/2 years or longer for certain type of Asian persimmons to leaf out. Make sure under its bark still green all the waiting time.
It is good information . It happened to me here in Seattle areas.

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Taking a very long time but I am sure it OK by this Summer. Below updating today pictures of my Izu persimmon leaf out after over 16 months since planting



Looking good Vicent !!!

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Thank you Tony . I will go away at the end of the month for a week . Hopefully she ok with out watering in the hot time of the year.

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Looking better day by day .


That’s really amazing! I didn’t know any plant could be dormant that long! Congrats, Vincent!

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Thank you so much Daniel. I keep waiting your Pawpaw fruiting report.
you can see all my plants on FB under name : US Pacific Northwest Home Orchard Garden

I am waiting your Pawpaw fruiting report for this year. Thank you Daniel.

Vincent, my “Sunflower” pawpaw has about 20 developing fruits. “NC-1” is a bigger, more lush and healthy looking tree, but only one fruit. I hand pollinated for 2 or 3 weeks, many many flowers. During the dry season, I’m watering with about 10 gallons of water, once weekly. The trees have a thick tree-leaf mulch. My other 2 pawpaw trees are not ready yet.

I will check facebook for your photos. Thanks!


Thank you so much Daniel . That is very good information for all of us . At least we know paw paw fruit can performing in Pacific Northwest areas . None of online information about growing pawpaw in PCN . I am very happy with the good news from you . Best wishes for your health and enjoy Summer gardening Daniel. Vincent .

There are a few large Pawpaw trees in Cloudmountain farm in Everson WA. Up there it is much colder than the Seattle area. It’s worth visiting. Their trees are loaded with fruit now.


Thank you for info. Interesting if we making the trip there.

Also Bob Duncan is growing Paw paws in Victoria, BC. I visited his orchard over the memorial day weekend. His paw paws are very productive.
He also has persimmons, kiwis, figs, loquats, olives, citrus, olives and avocado (yes, avocado in PNW!) All growing very productively outdoors with some minor protection.

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Very nice . Take some pictures next time Ram . How are your persimmons so far. My Giombo die ( i think die before shipping ) and Sheng die as well , I asked them for replacement .

Hi Vincent,
Sorry to hear about your persimmons. I had the same issue with JFE figs but they replaced the trees.

All my persimmons went in the ground and are doing fine.
Nikita’s gift set over 50 fruits but dropped about 80% already. It is such a small tree I was worried. I hope it ripens a few this year.
Saijo is keeping all its fruit. My Jiro has set very few fruits this year. Last year which was its first year, it produced almost 10.
No fruits on RB but is growing well.

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I have Nikita’s gift and Saijo too. Nikita’s drops a lot of fruit… and Saijo has very little June/July drop. Supposedly Nikita’s will keep more if there’s a pollinator around.


Hopefully it is the good tasting Pawpaw year for you.
When right time we would like you sharing about your Persimmons as well Daniel. Thank you so much.

Updating on my Izu .


Updating my Izu how it’s looking now.