Persimmons - Coroa de rei & Rojo brillante - details?

@Kaki-pistacia … they are sort of tall and spindley (only 2-3 inch diameter) because they are competing with lots of other trees nearby.

I can easily take out or limb up some of the other trees to get more sunlight to them… and have done that to some already.

My sister has some nice more mature trees at her house in full sun… the two below are both double trees… and more like 8 to 12 inch diameter.

Wild americans and produce a lot of very nice very rich flavored fruit.

My younger trees here produce nice fruit but they are not nearly as rich tasting as hers. Not sure if it is the tree maturity or sun exposure that makes the difference… could be both.

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It sounds to me that your trees need much more sun light. It calls in English etoliate?

The bigest tree is my Coroa de Rei persimmon…


@Kaki-pistacia … yes they are wild trees currently competing with oaks, hickory mostly.

Some produced 15-30 fruit even in their low light situation… so i figure if I get more light to them hopefully more /better fruit.

Sound like a lot of wood for the fireplace :smile:
Also oak and hickory is high quality wood for building.

I think that applies to all persimmons, but rojo brillante matures later and should be in full sun

beautiful tree! :slightly_smiling_face:
How old is it?
The tree looks rather small,
do you cut it in bush shape?
Is the tree grafted on D. virginiana or D. lotus?

Yes i cut i as a medium tree. I don’t know the graft. It’s like 8 years i think

It’s probably grafted on Lotus when your climate is warmer. I ask because of the size.
Kaki is more vigorous on lotus.

It gave me a good idea… my sunny spots are limited to plant some bush size persimmons in front of my tree size persimmons, then I can plant more persimmon in full sun and save space

Still eating coroa de rei… :yum:


@Luisport — very nice persimmon, good size and color.


Do you think your CDR and RB… will survive my Thursday-Sunday forecast (in ground, un protected) ?

I hope it really does not get that cold here… but that is what they are calling for.



And this are small. They are the last ones ripening inside house.

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8F, Rojo Brillante, young tree, if not adjusted to your colder climate yet, I would protect it and winter is still early.

When did you graft it on D. Virginiana?

@Kaki-pistacia … i dont have it yet… may graft it next spring.


I just planted Rojo Brillante, 100-46, Sajo and some others. I am going to try to protect them with insulation because I am concerned that they will not survive this coming weather blast. Our wind chill factor is supposed to be up to -30 Thursday night.

how cold is it with a wind chill factor of -30? Plants feel more “physically” instead of humanly felt cold with wind humidity…

-4 is the forecast.

Tonight here in TN forcast 42

But then after that 8, 6, 8, 15 forcast for lows.

It may not get that cold here … the Nashville stations often miss my temps by 3-5 degrees.
Even though I enter my zip on their weather forecast page. I am 65-70 miles south of Nashville.

Last night they said 25… i had 32.

the D. virginiana should survive.
I’ve read in German forums that some Rojo Brillante survived protected at -4F
protect and hope

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I had no luck with Rojo Brillante but others had here.
zone6 is borderline.

I would protect them if they come from a warm climate in the first few years (it’s been my experience that those from a warm climate have to get used to it first)

I would also protect them from spring frost when they are small. That can be even more deadly on small trees (thrive in spring and lose their winter protection if not thick enough…)

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I bought Rojo Brillante at the supermarket today. I put a pen and lighter next to compare the size. this season is slowly coming to an end.
69 cents (Euro) in the main season it costs 39 cents.

they taste very good, whether hard or soft.

Unfortunately, you can’t buy them naturally matured.
because of storage, transport…

I think they taste even better when they’re really red/rojo fully matured