Pineapple guava

One of my varieties completely defoliated over winter.(Albert’s Pride). My other varieties (Abbadabba and Nikita) which are identical conditions look perfectly healthy with no leaf loss.
Scratching the bark reveals the bark to be green but some of the tips are dying back. Roots look quite healthy.
Any ideas? This is a young plant grafted in early 2019.

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My plant is very similar in size to the Tang Tang plant, above.

No ideas on ramv’s defoliated plant. Did the leaves brown at all? Fall off gradually or all at once?

What was your low temperature this past winter in Seattle? The low in Portland was +24F, no feijoa leaf damage here.


I can’t take any credit for my tree since I just moved in this year, but I do enjoy the fruits of the original owner’s labor😁.

They started losing leaves gradually. It got to maybe 24F here as well but my other Feijoas were unaffected.

I would give the plant until June; see what the new growth looks like.

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I’ve been searching for information on air layering specific to feijoa’s. Not much out there. I’ve successfully air layered before but not feijoa’s. When you say six months it has me worried if I start now I won’t have enough warm months before winter comes. Would you be willing to part with some wisdom?

I’ve tried air layering feijoas twice, the last time with sphagnum moss in small plastic bottled water containers. I haven’t seen any evidence of rooting after well over a year, although the sprigs above the bottle are still growing.

Published info states that the lower down the plant (closer to the ground) you do the process, the % of success goes way up. I did not have any near-ground suitable branchlets.

If you have any basal sprouts, probably best to scar those and bury slightly. The weevils are leaving my basal sprouts alone this year so I may try that.


These are my 5 year old pineapple guavas…they started out as little tiny shrubs…I expect if I let them, they’ll over take the pear tree I have planted in the middle…


Would you ship Feijoas to Oregon in the fall?

I have had pineapple guavas here in Portland for about 20 years. They fruit every fall. They have never had problems with the cold. I have one Coolidge and one unnamed variety. They fruit more if you pollinate them.
John S



I have a request. Can you help me?

I am looking for a good pollinator variety for a Feijoa NIKITA.

A variety that ripens early and is frost-resistant, similar to NIKITA, would be ideal for my location.

What do you recommend?

Many thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

In my experience most other feijoas have some overlap in their flowering time with Nikita, even though Nikita is the earliest. So for pollination I think you can plant almost any other variety. But for me Hukvaldy and Mammoth are usually varieties that flower at the same time.


Welcome Pako!
Please provide us your location so we may be of better help.

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Solko and Ramv - thanks for your reply.

I live in Switzerland - a continental climate.
Where I live, the summers are pleasant and wet, the winters are very cold and snowy, and it’s partly cloudy all year round. During the year, the temperature usually ranges between -3 °C and 24 °C. It can (rarely) drop to 10 °C or lower for short periods in winter.

According to my research so far, i was thinking of kakeriki as a suitable pollinator, as it is supposed to be as hardy as nikita and flower and ripens very early.

But I don’t know whether kakeriki really tastes very good and, above all, I haven’t yet found a nursery that will send a plant to Europe - unfortunately.

Mammoth is probably not hardy enough and I have never heard or read anything about the variety “Hukvaldy”. Does this variety have another name? How hardy is this variety? What does it taste like?

Thank you in advance


Do you (or does anyone else here) have an updated email for Patrick? I tried emailing him at this email address but it’s erroring out. Thanks in advance!

Anyone have recs on where to get good (small) rootstock for pineapple guavas? I see a whole bunch of specific varieties available at OGW so I could get the cheapest of those and try to graft on top.

I got some scionwood from ReallyGoodPlants (Marta) but didn’t realize how (relatively) annoying it was going to be to find plants to try grafting on. I got the following scions:
Albert’s Supreme
Lickver’s Pride

I’m assuming I just save them in the fridge just like any other scion?

I saw the detailed notes on how hard it is to graft above so I know this is an uphill battle but there was also a lot of great info above on what to do to try to succeed.


OGW apparently has seedlings too. Didn’t know that and missed it.

Not sure if I should get the 4.5" pots or the 1gal plants to attempt grafting.

I’m pretty sure most or all cultivars will be fine at -3C unless it was 20C or something the day before.

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Fruitwood nursery sells all sorts of seedling plugs for $8 apiece, but I’m not sure if they are large enough for grafting:

They do also sell rootstocks, but those are currently out of stock:

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What sort of fertilizing, if any, do you guys use for feijoa?

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