One thing that is key is that I am discovering that they probably had a much larger range than is recognized. As such, they should be planted in lots of areas where they disappeared before anyone noticed that they existed. I don’t have absolutely proof but I also have yet to be proven wrong.
I absolutely want to explore ALL of the waterways from Morgantown WV to Erie PA. I have already found some previously undocumented wild patches that in my opinion are threatened. Technically, pawpaws are not endangered in Pennsylvania, but I believe that in many counties that they are.
The interesting thing is that if you look at maps of their “native range”, they don’t exist much north of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania. Based on hardiness experience from those like @tonyOmahaz5 I know for sure that they can grow much farther north.
I think the prevailing theory is that the northern limit of their native range was limited by the glacial maximum during the last ice age (which was just a little north of Pittsburgh by moraine and McConnells mill state parks). After the glaciers receded they spread along river valleys and waterways through a combination of warmer microclimates and native American activity. This makes sense to me as they seem to be so common south of Pittsburgh and so rare north.
Hi Ryan
From the batch of scions you gave me this spring, how did your grafts work out on paw paws?
This summer and fall I successfully transplanted 8 pawpaw trees from a tree growing around here into my yard. Another 2 I gave to an enthusiast. The transplants we’re growing from around the base of the tree, and would have fallen victim to a lawn mower hadn’t I rescued them.
Since they are all from same tree I know I will have to graft at least some of them
Hey Fran! I had a lot of takes early on but many of them didn’t make it as time went on. I am going to be trying again with some updated methods and hopefully a lot more trees. I think at this point I have Shenandoah, Benson, Chapell (purchased),and for successful grafts still alive last I checked - Mango, Canopus, Asterion, Honeydew, and Wild Pineapple. I have my sights set on many more this winter, including trying to find wood to replace my Susquehanna and KSU Atwood that mysteriously died to the graft and sprouted back up from the rootstock. Did any of your grafted trees survive?
I’m surprised those that initially took good didn’t make it.
For me, all the scions I grafted on may 20 from what you gave me failed.
I think because I used toilet bowl wax and not paraffin tape.
Other scions I grafted
on June 10th- all 8 took and on those I use paraffin tape.
One of those didn’t make it after a few months.
Even though you lost a bunch you still have a lot of variety which is great.
I don’t have any name brand varieties yet but what I have they’re pretty good and two of the trees make pretty big fruit.
Ed @urbangardener@disc4tw@jaunders1
I’m interested in Chicago Hardy, florea and improved Celeste…for winter cuttings. Any cuttings laying around?
Will pick up.
Fran/pgh area
Next week good!
look forward to all getting all 3 types, and our meeting.
Will pm you.
Would be cool to arrange our meeting with Ryan’s get together with you, if you agree and is possible for all of us.
@eboone graciously hosted myself and @Franp today and gave a windswept and rainy tour of his backyard orchard. Along with the tour, we received an excellent education about fig growing in our climate conditions and a few cuttings of his favorites to try ourselves. It was great to meet up with you gentlemen, I look forward to repaying the favor and paying it forward. Also looking forward to some bike rides along the GAP! If we time it right, pawpaw hunting will be possible too!
Hey everyone. its almost that time to take scions. Would anyone like to trade scions? I currently have the following apples that are large enough to take scions from: Wolf River, Mutsu, Honeycrisp, Arkansas Black, Gala, Pink Lady, and Fuji. I have another 20+ varieties that I just grafted this past year but wont be ready to take scions from for a couple more years.
I am interested in continuing to expand my home orchard with other apple varieties. I am also looking for Cherry scions as the ones I tried last year to graft all died but 1.
I’m just across the Pa line outside of Morgantown WV.
Just here to say hey. I’m no longer in the Pittsburgh area, but I grew up in New Wilmington, and my love of apples originated from visits to the Apple Castle, halfway between New Wilmington and New Castle. The aroma of the apples there was captivating, and great varieties like Northern Spy were only available there. A friend from school and his son now run it — it has been in the Johnston family since Lincoln was President. I last visited the place when I went back for a class reunion in 2019. The store was hugely expanded and quite nice, but, sadly, the apple aroma was missing.
I would say it makes sense for you to harvest some scions of the trees you are able in areas you intend to prune anyway. That at least gives you a backup in case something happens to your trees so you don’t have to try and find that variety again. I am thinking about trying to organize a “garden tour/ scion exchange” kind of thing for our local group that you might be able to swap with people at. It’s challenging because to do a swap the best time would be in the early spring before/during grafting season, but there wouldn’t be much to look at or sample in that scenario.
Is anyone interested in Purple Passion asparagus crowns? I have about 10 that I would like to give away. Got them from Starks in spring of 2020 and they are not doing well due to lack of space and not enough sunlight. I really don’t have a better spot for them and would like to free up the area for something more suitable.