Plant identification needed

I see these horsenettles in my fields along with the same Japanese stilt grass. I try to remove them since they are not only annoyingly prickly and but are also a poisonous tomato look-alike.

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I saw them and figured they were some type of nightshade, and since nothing was eating them and there were hundreds, probably either extremely unripe or extremely poisonous. (Why not both, it turns out.) I was pretty confident about the Autumn Olives and tasted a couple of the ripest looking ones…which were very sour and also astringent. I found a couple American Persimmon trees I’ll check on in a month or two.


Autumn Olive improves as it gets really ripe.
The ‘nettle’ isn’t killed by some

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Hi Brady
The pic looks like p americanna, the thorns and bark lenticals resemble the ones I have. These spread by root suckers, so it’s very likely coming from your neighbors tree.

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I not sure if anyone is growing Plums,besides me and none have that root stock.Maybe,in the next year or two,there will be fruit.

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Ok I had mistaken this your prior comment to mean your neighbor has a nearby plum!
“ Bases of the nearest Plum trees are about 6-8 feet away.Is it possible the tree is a sucker from them?”
Any way if it is a native plum it may take about 5-7 years before it blossoms, that’s about how long my suckers are taking.