Plant identification needed

It’s a plum, whether “wild” or not would have to be determined in context. It could be rootstock of grafted cultivar which failed, leaving it to sucker. If you or a neighbor have a plum tree, it could be suckering from the roots, a very common occurrence with certain rootstocks. It could also be a seedling of a cultivar. Both of which fall under the general rubric of “wild” even if they may not be a “true native”

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Bases of the nearest Plum trees are about 6-8 feet away.Is it possible the tree is a sucker from them?

I think trees can sucker anywhere roots have spread to, generally the area under canopy.

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If you were here in the Southeast I would say Chickasaw Plum. Ours look exactly like that complete with thorns. Most all the wild type plumbs I’ve seen are very thorny.

Does anyone know what this plant is that volunteered in my patio cracks? It doesn’t really look like a true grass, the “blades” are more circular like reeds or something. I had left it because I was curious if it would flower, but I think it’s getting too tall for this spot, so I’ll be moving it to the edge of the patio if I can do so without killing it. It’s a little over 1 year old now.

I would guess a type of rush


Yes, I understand that they “are round”

Per the rhyme…

? What rhyme is that ?

One of those mnemonics you tend to learn in 100 or 200 level botany / ecology: ‘Sedges have edges, rushes are round, grasses have knees that bend to the ground .’

There are some variations on the grass part, but the first two are always consistent


Can anyone ID these two?

And the other:

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Just my first impression is ,
The first one may be bitter sweet
Second ,viburnum


I agree with @Hillbillyhort in that the first looks to be bittersweet. (Some apple seedlings can look similar…but probably not them). And the second is viburnum (opulus or trilobum…depending on the current reference one may use).


plantnet says American plum and highbush cranberry.

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The highbush cranberry is ‘scientifically’ viburnum opulus or viburnum trilobum…the first a plum?
There’s a chance it is. Any old roots or thorny shrubbery in the vicinity?

in philly? nah, thats asian bittersweet. when you yank ‘em, note the orange roots. you can see it in the crown even if you move the soil aside just a bit.

this looks to be indian hemp- an interesting plant, i’ve always thought. pretty pernicious annual though.

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its set for the N.E. said 40% plum, 29% bittersweet. it take it with a grain of salt. :wink:


Any idea what this is (besides extremely thorny)? There were a crapload of them there, so I’m guessing they’re either very poisonous or very not ripe?

And I’m pretty sure I know what this one is, but I would like somebody else to confirm. It was literally everywhere in this privately owned(?) park that’s open to the public (except for fishing).

Last one…a nut of some kind?



1st one is some kind of Solanaceous plant. Id guess horse nettle, but its not a dead ringer.

2nd one is autumn olive

3rd one is a hickory. 5 leaflets, so probably shagbark. I dont know my hickories much beyond shag and bitternut since theyre not common here


Good reply.


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