Please help identity this tree

Sorry, everything in the pictures is screaming “pear”. Pl@ntnet also think it’s a pear, or possibly hawthorn (but I would put it at a minute chance).



It is a pear, it is not a cottonwood.


@IL847, I concur with the opinions voiced above that it is some variety of a pear tree. As soon as I saw the thorn-like projections in this picture it screamed to me “pear”.


Callery/Bradford pear! That zig-zag branch with the spikes… Looks just like the ones I have and I’ve had people out to evaluate my trees.

Graft pear!!! see @clarkinks’s post about grafting callery.

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Thanks all. I am happy to hear another fruit tree growing in the yard. It’s time to take out the knife, parafilm,and scions



The leaves are interesting. Take a look at the dots on the bark. The limbs and the thorns.
Screenshot_20230428_202553_Samsung Internet

Serrated leaves are more charecteristic of asian pear than callery

The baby pears on this thread are part asian pear i think and part improved kieffer or duchess D’ Angoulme
The next great pear or apple

@clarkinks, I agree about the leaves being unusual. I see a great many Bradford and Callery pear in my line of work, and I am not accustomed to seeing the red edges, nor the serrations on the edge of the leaf.


Many years ago, I posted its picture here. It was identified as apricot. But the more I looked at it, the less I think it is apricot.

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What type of pear wood do you have to graft on?


When a pear has some callery genetics some leaves will have a unique wavy pattern.

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It is undoubtedly a pear. I have several Pyrus Ussuriensis rootstocks I never grafted that have got about that size, and they look very similar. Not saying that is for sure the exact species of pear it is, but it is something like that


Clark, I still have Korea Giant scion in refrigerator. If this tree is a pear tree I will graft it to the tree



Funny you should say that i was thinking it had some harbin genetics Differentiate between Siberian and Callery Pear?


@clarkinks, I don’t see the distinctive brown husks in @IL847 's tree like the Harbin you mentioned in your linked thread.

If it does have harbin genetics, it lost that brown husk trait.

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Look at some of these hybrids of callery The next step in pear rootstocks is clearly callery or gmo

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Is it possible that this tree grow decent fruits? I’m thinking, use central lead trainingsystem, just do chip budding, save the main trunk as is



It is possible since it is pretty unique. Surprised it hasn’t bloomed yet.

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Few pictures of what I consider “callery” seedlings from my orchard. Abuting my property, there are many calleries trees planted ornamentally 20 years ago for a nearby community. Many seedlings show up now on my property, and they could even be several generations removed from original planted callery trees. There are also at least one mature euro pear (I would guess Seckel) on my property as well that could have added to gene pool of these seedlings. They look quite similar to @IL847 's pictures.

Seedling 1

Seedling 2

Since there was confusion regarding apricot, here’s the leaves of Summer Delight Aprium. Although the leaves look similar, everything else about it is distinct. Notice the frill like growth at the nodes and “glands” (not sure if right term) on the leaf petiole on the Apricot.



Interesting your callery look great but are also hybrids. That is what many here look like. No wonder people get such good results when grafting these over they are not true callery. Some of the ones i grafted were terribly incompatible with other pears. @Richard mentioned many true callery are fireblight magnets which can be true. Some had no resistance at all. They also can be invasive and cause problems in certain areas. It is to bad they became a problem. The callery that escaped are very resistant to fireblight in some areas like mine. They pick up genetics as they reproduce. A ledbetter pear as an example does not get fireblight. If they cross the result will be callery with no fireblight on half the seedlings. The fireblight susceptible types died and the resistant types reproduced again. Each time they get hardier! Many of you will see no fireblight on callery. The seedling here seldom have fireblight symptoms now. There are callery here covered in fireblight like Richards experience.


Yes, they’re certainly not genetically identical to the the original cultivar of planted ornamental trees. The seedlings still have pea sized fruit, thorns, and the leaves are very similar to original cultivar, so I consider the seedlings also be “callery”. I grafted over 3 so far, and I keep discovering more seedlings.

I’ve not seen any FB issues w/ seedlings on my property or the ones along the road. As you said, the disease susceptible ones are naturally culled and out competed by the ones that are resistant…