Here’s a decent scan of the catalog of one of the largest nurseries in the country at that time. Located in South Carolina. Offered over 500 apple, 300 peaches and 800 pears in the years they were in business. Trees were 25 cents each or $20 a hundred for apple and peaches, 50 cents for pears. The catalog has a good description of varieties recommended for South Carolina. Also the the complete inventory list of varieties offered are listed after the each of the SC recommendations. Many apple and grape names you will recognize.
Daniel Smith and Co. Burlington, New Jersey 1804 catalog had more trees than modern nurseries.
122 varieties of peaches 18 cents per tree
80 varieties of pears 25 cents per tree
80 varieties of apples 18 cents per tree
They also sold Plumbs, Cherries, Nectarines and Apricots.
Thank you for posting these catalogs. Great to look at.