I planted a Parfianka Pomegranate in a 1 gallon tall pot last year in the ground. The spot is almost in complete shade in the winter but gets full sun in the summer. In spring, it gets probably just 4 hours of sun. Could this be the reason that it is not even flowering? Or does it take a few years?
Their natural form is a shrub. I keep mine pruned up a bit so it won’t become a refuge for rodents and to discourage keep other pests from crawling up the drooping branches.
We have different growing conditions, and yours and my original pomegranate could have been different ages at planting, and different cultivars. Mine took two years to set blooms, and I got my first fruit the third year.
It is my understanding that pomegranates form their flowers on the ends of current year growth. In coming seasons, you might want to do the pruning much earlier to encourage branching and flowering.
Richard probably has growing conditions more similar to yours as well as being likely to know more about them than I do. My experience is limited, but it’s something I particularly enjoy because they’ve been easy, relatively carefree fruit to grow here - along with having attention getting blossoms and fruit.
Isn’t it too late to be getting flowers? Is this delay caused by the lack of sunlight in the spring? I wonder if it affects the fruit quality as the tree would start getting shaded again in the fall.
BTW, what could cause those leaves to curl up like that last pic? I tried googling but didn’t find any conclusive answers. I had the same problem last year.
Yes, I get lots of flowers starting the second year in the ground but very low fruit set (1 or none most common). It takes several years before you start seeing a good set. But then it just keeps on producing.
The tree is now full of blossoms! Ok maybe not full but more than what I had hoped. The air layer has roots too. I plan to wait for a week or two till the bag fills up with roots and then transplant it.
Good luck with your blooms. My Salavatski has had about a dozen blooms and 2 looked like they might form fruit, but it was not to be. They’ve all dropped off, which I guess is to be expected for the first year in the ground.
Your pom looks bigger than mine, so hopefully that will help it hold some fruit for you.
if it were my marcot, will cut it off and plant it! But of course, my confidence could be poison to anyone, so do not take it as expert advise…
what i normally do is cut off some of the mature leaves above the marcot, to offset issues re: transpiration-to- root-mass ratio. Much like anyone does when striking stem cuttings.