Pomegranate possible in Maine?

Not in the ground but containerized. …wondering if I have the season length to ripen fruit here. Any recommendations as far as varieties that would be most likely to succeed? Thanks!

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I can’t really help as I’m still experimenting with them. So far I have had no luck. Flowers all dropped off. I later found out when in bloom they need to be dry. I think they were too wet. See what happens this year. So we have soft seeded and hard seeded types, dwarf types, and hardy types. I treat them like I do my figs. In the garage with the figs right now. They can take till about 25F hardy or not. Hardy ones can take colder temps, but all can take 25F. I didn’t want to invest a lot into them so pretty much took what cuttings I could get. Almost all I received rooted easily. A couple failed on me.

So I have two Russian hardy types Al Sirin Nar, and Salavatski.
Granada is supposed to be one of the earliest fruiting type, so have that one too.

I also have Parfianka as it was offered to me.
I hope to have some fruit as I improve my learning curve on how to grow them.
Length of season is an issue in our colder zones. I guess I will find, or hope I do! They remind me of willows, the leaf structure. Grow like weeds once established. The first two I mentioned are 4 feet tall by the third year from cuttings. They tend to grow as multi-stemmed bushes rather than single trunk. Although you could grow as single trunk if you love to prune the numerous suckers.

Read the descriptions on the nursery sites to see what is out there.

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interesting topic. I just started a bunch of Parfianka cuttings. I know they are extremely easy to root having done it before.

The big problem with Poms is they ripen in November and later. So they won’t ripen outdoors and have to be brought indoors in the North.

I’ve heard of people growing them in pits. I guess you could create a plastic shelter to help them ripen.

I’m not sure there’s a lot of advantage in growing them yourself though, the CA ones taste fine when they harvest them ripe. They store relatively well.

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I have an amazing first year Kazake pom that started to bloom today. Surprised to see this.

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Looks good. Unfortunately, it’ll never make it to fruit. My poms in CA are 80% their final size. They were flowers like yours back in May. And my growing season goes through mid December.

If it rains in fall where you are, the poms will spoil.
Out here in the PNW, it rains a lot and pomegranates are really pointless.
Plus you can buy very decent ones at the store.

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