Ponca Blackberry

You (both) had me at “best tasting” now I want some olallieberry :slight_smile:


which is a hybrid… and released in 1935… im gonna start a new thread… meet me in there if u want.

Roger that, was just reading up on it… Olallieberry - Wikipedia

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I’m getting my first berries from ponca this year. I figured all the talk about better flavor was mostly hype. It is definitely not hype, at least not in my yard. I’ve grown Arapaho. Ouachita, triple drawn, and osage. Also have thorny Kiowa. Osage is decent for fresh eating but nothing to get excited about. The rest are just not sweet enough for fresh eating. Ponca beats osage by a very wide margin. It tastes very sweet. Much less acidic.

Kiowa dominates in tern of yield. The yield is frankly unreal off those vines. I can pick 2 lb of berries in just a few minutes. And it makes exquisite cobbler and jam. So I’ll always grow plenty of Kiowa, but I’m making a lot more room for ponca next year.


I’m pick 3-4 pounds every few days from my third year plants - 5 plants spaced 3 feet apart.