Ponca Blackberry


Wow, they just released Caddo. I was going to try it, but it ripens at the worst SWD time.
This one sounds even better glad I didn’t order Caddo, I will order this one. Ponca is firmer than Caddo, sweeter, and ripens earlier before SWD hits here. This is a winner for me! Thanks for posting! Looks like next year it will be around. It’s being propagated now.


anyone seen ponca on the market yet? i’m interesting in snagging a few plants, but a google search doesn’t identify any retail sellers.

No, but my guess is they will probably will be next year.

Nourse Farms has Ponca available to order. I have 10 due to ship early March next year.

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Thanks for the tip. I ordered it too. Pense berry farm sells it too and I can buy a single plant but unfortunately they don’t ship to California :frowning_face:

I don’t see Ponca listed at Nourse anymore, so maybe they are already sold out?

They removed it earlier today

I placed my order through Pense back at the end of July, in my zone I believe I’ll be getting them in the spring.


Nourse no longer has it linked from their blackberry webpage, but the page for Ponca is still there. I suspect they don’t want it to be ordered for now so please look but don’t order without contacting them first.


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I actually found that through a google search, but even though it says you just added it to your cart if you try to buy it when you go to your cart there is nothing there. So it is fully disconnected from purchasing.

Just got my Ponca in from Pense! Planted them in containers for now, keeping through the winter and building beds in spring. The blueberry plant is of nice size too, came completely dormant


i love pences plants ! nice big plants with huge roots!

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Arrived bareroot a few weeks ago from Ison’s, currently indoors.


Simmons Plant Farm has the Ponca. https://www.simmonsplantfarm.com/blackberries

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Unfortunately my Ponca didn’t make it over the winter in zone 5a, plus they were just in larger containers and not in ground.

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Just ate some 3rd year Ponca today. They are better than any other thornless blackberry I have grown. I had apache, natchez, osage and triple crown. Fully ripe Osage and Ponca are as good but early berries Ponca was the only one that wasn’t too tart. Not sure if it is the result of a drier than normal spring. Dead ripe ponca is very good.


Ponca at it’s best is similar to the best western trailing blackberries that I had many years ago. Marionberry and Obsidian were similar. Many if not most berries of all are too tart on all of them. But if ripe enough they’re all very good.

The other thing I’d compare Ponca to is Morus nigra mulberry. Ponca is a step below MN when both are at their best. Taste is similar.


I have new Ponca and Von plants which will hopefully provide fruit next year. To date the best tasting “blackberries” I’ve grown in our region are Olallieberry.


I posted about Ollalie being grown in NY… Folks on the East Coast dont know what they are missing out on.