Questions not deserving of a whole thread

Would you be able to post pic of the tree?

What rootstock looks like cherry, is Japanese plum compatible but not Euro plum compatible.

sand cherry?

no this is a regular multi plum tree sold by a nursery. I reached to the vendor but they didn’t know what they grew it on. Well the person that knew they said they where going to ask and they never got back to me. you know how that goes.

Maybe. There are not many buds on the spurs. How old is the tree.

Looks a little like the tree from this thread.

I sprouted 3 persimmon seeds in moist paper towels just to see if they’d had enough stratifying and then dropped them into some pots when they sent out roots. This one seems to be a twin. The stem is fused for about an inch at the base, but probably just from growing up together. Two embryos in one seed I guess. Any reason to keep this, besides just random interest of course? Please ignore the rest of my community pot inhabitants - potatoes to get eyed up before planting and random fig cttings. I like to make the most of limited space under the lights.


I think I spotted a bud at the very bottom by my fingertip. It is hard to tell if it is still on the scion or rootstock


Looks like its on the scion!


Do these leaves look like gooseberry? The fruits do. The tree looks way too big to be a gooseberry. Could it be a hybrid?

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Looks like Hazelnut

I would guess a type of hawthorn, crataegus sp…
many kinds


I was going to say that gooseberries do not grow as trees but then did some googling.

I have 3 paw paws that have been limping along for the last 4 or 5 years. They are only about 2 feet high. I fertilized them and made sure to weed around them as faithfully as I could. They still look rather pathetic . . . but we had our first bloom this year! Sorry . . . it’s a little blurry. But, very interesting blooms. I’d never seen one before. And, at first, I didn’t know what it was!!!


If you have another flower from a different variety then hand pollinate it with a small paint brush so you can get the fruit this year. If no cross pollination then the flower will drop in several weeks. Unless it is a self fruitful Sun flower variety.

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It was my one and only bloom. And the ‘trees’ are not even 3’ tall. Sigh. Thanks for the suggestion, though! Maybe next year.

I planted Shenandoah and Mango pawpaws in 2015. Shenandoah has bloomed since 2017. No pollination partner. I tried getting pollen from other people’s pawpaws. It did not work.

I’ve not quite mastered the timing for cross pollinating pawpaws yet. It is not as easy as cross pollination other fruit flowers.


Received this Carmine Jewel Cherry from Spring Hills Nurseries. Roots were quite dry and leafing out sickly yellow. Immediately put it in water and then got it planted. Should I immediately ask for a replacement or do you think it will survive ok? ThanksIMG_0947


From what I can see, it looks fine.


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Can maypop (passiflora incarnate) grow up this tree, or does it need a structure with thinner supports? What about magnolia vine (Schisandra chinensis)?