Questions not deserving of a whole thread

I think you might be able to narrow it down by crushing the leaves and smelling them, then comparing with your other trees.


I measured my soil PH over 7.
Most plants prefer a PH below 7.
Not sure about the exact number because my measures cut off at 7.
I have added some sulfur to the ground which may gradually reduce the ph.
Does it make sense to only use acid fertilizer? Like the stuff for blueberries?

Are there plants in the ground or are you prepping the area?

If there plants in the ground then Acid fertilizer will help the existing plants while soil bacteria process the sulfur. If the area is unplanted no need to use fertilizer.

If the area is to be planted with acid loving plants then I would also add hollytone to boost the soil bacteria to process the sulfur.

As visualization to support my question. Here is a snap of the cherries under heavy leaf shade right up close but also low down in the canopy. Should I clip some leaves to expose to more (i.e. some) light?


If one grafts an apple variety that is an annual cropper onto a variety which is strongly biennial, will the grafted variety continue to crop annually or go biennial as well?

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One study found the vigor of the tree eg more vigorous rootstock increases the biannual bearing in some cultivars at the same time some cultivars had the opposite reaction. The other theory on the is the hormones of the growing fruit prevent bud formation for the net year. That’s compatible with the proper thinning helps prevent biannually.

Then your question is grafting one cultivar onto another well the influence of the root stock and the cultivar would both matter. Its conceivable the effects could travel both ways.


Is this Purple Leaf Sand Cherry? It is a dwarf tree, and has only bloomed the past two years. I have noticed very small fruit last season (1/8" or less), however they all fell off. How large do the fruit get and are they good for eating? Can I graft plums, or other fruiting types, to this?

Need some advice about a Trees of Antiquity order. It was shipped prior to polar vortex, delayed in transit and I received it when temps started warming up. Trees were potted same day received. Peach/nects put out a few leaflets then shriveled completely. Contacted TOA which recommended to prune off branches and wait. What else should I do?

Accidentally mixed up tbsp and tsp when reading off my nufilm measurement then screwed it up again in my measuring cup and actually used oz. so all in all I ended up with 6x the recommended amount…

Is there anything I should do? Is there any danger to the trees?

It is hard to do damage with Surround spray. How many cups of Surround per gallon did you use?

Where is a good place to get elemental sulphur from? Shipping costs on 50 lbs are a bit rough.

What’s the base price? It looks pretty affordable on amazon.

It’s not expensive on its own, but you can see the “Amazon premium” in this screenshot

And since the pandemic I try buying from brick and mortar stores where possible. Amazon is doing fine, lol.

But I have no idea what type of store would have sulphur…


The first place I would look would be a feed store…the type that also sells garden supplies, fertilizer, etc. we are very rural but a lot of feed stores here mix fertilizers in bulk. Northeast Texas Farmers Co-op. North of you should be a bunch of feed/fertilizer stores. The next place would be like garden supply stores.


ive been starting to use alfalfa pellets i got from TSC as a mulch /fertilizer around my newly planted trees / shrubs. is inexpensive and when they absorb water they dont pack down due to pellets shape. as they break down they feed your plants and keep out weeds . NPK of dried alfalfa is 2.5 -2.5-2.5.


What’s the price on those at your location, @steveb4 ?

D&L Farm and Home is in Celina, probably have other locations. I know they sell fertilizers. In Plano we use Wells Brothers.

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think i paid $7 for a 40-50lb bag? pretty cheap. once wetted they grow 3xs their size. the pelletizing process uses heat so you know those pellets dont contain any bugs or molds.

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I’ve thought about that, but I worry about accidentally setting up a bunny/groundhog buffet. And that they’ll take a good long look around when the buffet runs out…