Questions not deserving of a whole thread

Thanks John, I expected to cull a couple varieties and to continue trialing others, your experience is very helpful. At the house I have Beurre Bosc, Collete and Clapps Favorite, all from Millers. I really miss that nursery. I hope to trial some of the PF peaches as well. My trees this year all came from Cummins, they list all of them as Z4 but that will remain to be seen. The trees look good though, all have laterals already formed. I’ll let them go this summer and worry about pruning to open center next spring. I grafted my first Cherry this spring, we’ll see how I did!

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Oh, I missed the second part of your question. Spacing of the old trees was 15’. Newer plantings are 12’, but neighbors include both peach and dwarf apple trees.

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Between Crandall and Missouri Giant clove currants anyone know which is the larger or more vigorous plant once established? I assume they’re pruned like other currants where you just remove the oldest third of the canes once established?

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@maineorchard grows peaches in Maine, and has a good post from a few years back…

We are officially in 5A…sandwiched between 4B to our Northwest and 5B to our Southeast.

And may be able to provide good advice.
I guess I didn’t link the post. I’ll go back and try to find it again when I have a minute.


Found it, 15’ in row spacing and 20’ isle spacing. Thanks!

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Royalty Purple Raspberry…is it a primocane/everbearing variety? It’s supposed to be a cross with blackcaps which are usually floricane only bearers.

no its mid summer bearing and it will sucker.

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Quick grafting question. Do I need to pinch off the lower leafs below these grafts? Or are they ok to leave on and let grow. Will they inhibit my graft and keep it from pushing?

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Yes,both the leaves and flowers,can affect the grafts.

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Any stone fruit on any rootstock will grow well in a pot much smaller than that. I’ve had good luck in 15-25 gal. And fruited nectarines in 5 gal.


Best method to kill rabbits? One has chewed by blueberries that were loaded up with flowers this year to 6" stumps and needs to die. No, I can’t shoot it.

I couldn’t kill or poison them when they girdled 60% of my orchard. I had a company come out and set two live traps for an entire week (cost about $200-$300). I caught 7 rabbits and they haven’t been a problem since. I would recommend that option.

Before that, I tried every deterrent I could think of and they kept returning. The problem is they are extremely dumb and stubborn. So, many things don’t work, including poisons.

Ok thanks brady

best to remove anything just below the graft to maximize it’s success chance and growth.

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Is anyone using garlic leaf for cooking? Does it have enough garlic flavor to taste when cooked?

if always used the scapes of hardneck garlics. Those taste awesome.

for leaves with a garlicy taste i prefer Allium ursinum
or Allium tuberosum

leaves of regular garlic are a bit to tough texture wise for me. But you could try chopping them fine or baking long.

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I always cook garlic leafs like green veggies. But only the tender leafs in early spring. One it gets old then I wait for garlic scapes

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Does surround slow fruit ripening since it blocks the sun?

If you want garlic taste in leaves, try garlic chives ( Allium tuberosum). Most asian groceries sell it.
You can also grow it as perennial for most USA zones, so it should work in most of EU as well.

Garlic chives and garlic scrapes are awesome with eggs. Garlic chives also put out scrapes as well. If scrapes are missed, flowers are also edible.

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i think i already mentioned those…

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