Maybe your deer at jumping on parts of the tree, causing the ripe ones to drop and eating those. That’s all I can think of if they are getting fruit that is above their height. I guess I have lazy deer, lol. But I have seen them standing on their hind legs trying to reach apples in the tree. If yours are in timber, maybe it could be raccoons or squirrels going after the fruit and the deer come along behind them and clean up what was knocked to the ground. Mine are out in a big open field with few other trees around so no squirrels or raccoons to speak of. Anyway, I am sorry you are losing your fruit. It is very disheartening. I hope you get to taste one soon!
Boron deficiency? It’ll make oranges split and fall off. Sap can’t flow properly without it. (Walnuts, which are already really sappy trees, hate boron) When the weather gets dry, then you get a sudden rain or water a lot, you might get fruit splitting like that. But again, I’d be suspicious that boron deficiency might be involved. .
If I plant aronia in the open are deer going to destroy it? How hard are they to start from seed?
Deer destroy everything here.
Aronia easily starts from cuttings
My newly planted (this march) korean giant pear central leader is being overtaken by 2 scaffold branches. Is it too late in the season to tip those 2 back below the main leader or should I wait until next spring? zone 7B
What do people asking GRIN for scionwood not available anywhere else for breeding phrase their requests like? Mine was rejected. They apparently approve requests for scions of shit you can get anywhere to graft trees to feed #@%^ing deer.
Follow their clearly outlined policy for requests. Don’t feel bad as their own statistics show they reject more than they accept.
Anyone know of good pear varieties that bloom late? Mine seem to get the late freezes every time except a few blossoms.
Just up potted some figs. Will they fill out the new pots enough to plant in the ground late fall or early spring? I know should have just planted in the ground, but I had different plans when I started.
Why can’t i search for topics with only photos related to the words anymore?
Was able to do it before i created an account but now i don’t see that option.
Nvm. Found it
If you can plant them out now, I would do that.* Let the roots stretch further from the plant. Doesn’t matter if you’ve potted them up even yesterday. If you can’t, don’t stress and plant in fall or spring.
*depending on whether they are old/big enough to make it outside.
How do I do that? I can’t find the option either. The other day I spent a couple of hours looking for a picture of the drip-irrigation system of a greenhouse that I know I’ve seen before here and failed because I didn’t know the picture search option existed.
Edit: Found it in the multiple choice menu under “Only return topics/posts…” I didn’t want to do a hit and run and just say “NVM, found it”
How would any of you prune this peach tree? Prune to three trunks coming from the ground? Leave just one? Any other suggestions? I have about seven just like it.
If it were mine and in our open orchard, I’d go for a single trunk which I can protect from animals efficiently. In the fenced food forest, I’d decide depending on whether I wanted to alow for the mower to get close to it or how much space I wanted it to take up. In my experience peaches like to expand their canopy horizontally.
Ok, probably will go with single trunks. There is 20’ between each tree and I am not worried of any animal messing with them other than rabbits but like you said it would probably be easier to protect the single trunk. It has grass around it (6ft tall bluestem), I don’t really plan on netting or spraying much if any at all, just pruning and mulching.
I’d be worried about leaving a bunch of trunks/branches that close together. They’re fine now, but when the diameter of each one is 4" in a couple years the bark will be smashed together.
I collected a few seeds from a crab apple tree I like. I was expecting them to be black or brown but they are a deep burgundy red color. Is that normal for crab apples?
It’s normal in the regular apple seeds I have grown before.
Anyone know a acurate method of using titration to make a at least somewhat accurate measurement of soil ph using like vinegar or baking soda? (I’m not good at wording things)