A family member who lives back East is interested in starting to grow fruit trees. He’s an experienced veggie gardner but new to fruit. Expressed interest in peaches and pears. I’ve only grown in southern California so would love some advice to pass on. Disease resistance would be best. It sounds like apples and Concord grapes may be options. From reading maybe Red Haven peach? Any tips from folks in that part of the country much appreciated!
Im 30 miles south of buffalo, right in the snow belt!
Pears i would recommend moonglow and bartlett. Easy to grow and do well here.
I did not have any luck with red haven or contender peaches, but i have veteran, reliance and saturn white peaches and they do great.
Lots of apples and grapes will do well.
I would recommend schlabachs nursery, its in medina ny. Amish owned so no website, but a google search will produce a phone number for them. Lots of apple, peach, pear, and many other plants.
Schlach Nursery is in our Reference category with the contact info.
The nurseries on the list are recommended by forum members.