I need some possible help with ID’ing if this is actually a Rhode Island Greening apple. This is the first year I have had apples on it. I am not sure if this is actually a RI Greening apple. I had though the RI Greening was to look different than this.
If anyone who grows one could help me out I would appreciate it very much.
If it is RIG it must be mushy over-ripe. It isn’t a yellow apple when harvested-at least in S. NY, but I’m not sure if they can eventually turn yellow when mush. I will look next time I’m in an orchard with the variety, they are pretty prevalent here for what the majority perceive as a mediocre apple. They are productive and not tip bearers as yours seems to be. Yellow transparent is, but it ripens in mid-summer. Apple - Rhode Island Greening - tasting notes, identification, reviews
How sour is it? Do the slices keep their shape if you make a pie with them?
I’ve not seen the Rhode Island Greening on trees, only in a few specialty markets, such as a co-op in Lexington KY a few years back…or the Asheville Farmers Market.
The yellow skin color by itself isn’t a sure thing, could be yellow and still be Rhode Island Greening.
the ones ive seen have a blocky appearence with ridges down the side. the shape alone doesnt match. they are also a big apple. 4in +.
They are not sour. Actually sweet. Which is one reason I think this is not a RI Greening apple. I thought it would be more green as I imagined in my mind. The references were always stating it was the " Granny Smith apple 300 years before the Granny Smith apple was brought to the USA". I thought it would be at least tart. Not tart but it is crisp and sort of juicy as well.
I have not make them in a pie yet. They are just starting to get ripe now. I have only tasted one. That is why I do not think this is a RI Greening.
How do you reckon? If it’s yellow before it is ripe I would consider it very unlikely it is RIG.
I do not think it is a RIG. I am not sure what it actually is. I have a Golden Delicious and I will compare it to the GD I have growing. It does not flower like GD though.
So I wasted 5 years growing this thinking it was RIG apple. Uggg.
I will compare it to the GD but the RIG trees apples do not have the GD shape.
The closest thing in my orchard is Shizuka. Shizuka is bigger and more round/flattened than Golden Delicious; it tastes similar.
Here are a couple more photos of the apples off my Rhode Island Greening tree. These are the last ones on the tree. It is supposed to have a few nights of 25ish so I picked them so as to not have them get perhaps ruined. by the freezing cold.
Still not sure if these are RI Greening or not. I put a picture of the tops of them. The have a little russeting in the stem area of each apple.
So any clues as to if this is or is not a RI Greening from anyone that grows them?
Thank you in advance for any help.
They’re not very green…but then again, Granny Smith isn’t green in my orchard if they get to hang on until actually ripe.
PS resembles some cider/brandy apples? Not sure you have RIG…but I cannot be sure.
RI Greening is named after the owner of the tavern the tree was at. So I am not sure if this is the color it is supposed to be. From what I have read the RI Greening is supposed to be a tart apple. The RI Greening is supposed to be the " Granny Smith" apple 200 years before Granny Smith was discovered. The apple that I am growing is not tart. So I am perplexed if what they sold me is not a RI Greening apple tree.
RI Greening is supposed to be tip bearing…and looks like your first pictures do display tip bearing traits?
[quote=“BlueBerry, post:14, topic:40003”]
RI Greening is supposed to be tip bearing
I’ve never noticed this trait on the very common green apple here that people identify as RI Greening and I have every reason to believe is.
The photos don’t look anything like RI Greening as it grows here and it seem very unlikely that any apple that can achieve that color in Z5 Ohio would ever have been called a greening. Gold is such a better selling color, but our greenings don’t turn into an apple that looks like that, even when left on the tree into Nov.
This is how they look when ripe here. Apple - Rhode Island Greening - tasting notes, identification, reviews
No, I’m not convinced he has a R. I. Greening.
But I’m not convinced he doesn’t either.
His zone is 150 miles from me…and 3 to 5 degrees colder except in mid summer he’s sometimes hotter. Done had 2 light frosts here, and he may not have had any.
For those that grow both RIG and Granny Smith, how do they compare when it comes to Sooty Blotch susceptibility? Granny Smith is quite the Sooty Blotch magnet.
We haven’t had any frost yet either and have had much earlier springs in the past with very long warm seasons and I’ve never seen a fully yellow RIG, but the literature seems to suggest it’s possible for skin to turn yellow although the sources of the trees seem to all say otherwise.
There are yellow and green strains of Newtown Pippin that are recognized as either yellow or green Newtown from a West Coast nursery I’ve bought them from in the past. It is not too unusual for very old varieties of apples to have both recognized and unrecognized sports.
I’m convinced that the photos are not RI Greening, but if I’m wrong it won’t be the only time today.
The apple in the pictures above look more like a golden delicious type. It has dark lenticels on a yellow skin. The RIG I remember from around here were always smooth, white lenticels on a light-green skin. The flesh tastes nearly identical to a ripe Granny Smith (light-green skin).
I still am voting for Shizuka. It can get that russeting. It is a Golden Delicious child.