Rooting fig cuttings

My two largest fig cuttings have been enjoying half day morning sun for a week or so. Looking good.

My two main batches all seem to be coming along OK considering they are just in potting mix, the RdB (first photo) is a little further along than the Takoma Violet (second photo):

I also have a few other varieties that I stuck in the ground outside, but I keep forgetting to get photos of those, I’ll try to remember to do that tomorrow.

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@TNHunter Are your mulberry cuttings still looking good?

@zendog … sorry to say no to that…

They budded produced shoots leaves even fruit… looked so good there for a while…

But then one by one they started going down hill shriveled, browned… did not make it.

I examined each of the 3 cuttings after they failed… not one single root had developed.

Someone earlier in this thread said that they had heard that gerardi was difficult to root from HW cuttings… and mine did not root at all. The tops had the will to live for sure… but the roots did not cooperate.

Ps… I did my Gerardi mulberry cuttings the same as I did my CH Fig cuttings… 5 of 6 fig cuttings made it… 3 of 3 Gerardi did not make it.

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Thanks for the update. I had heard they were difficult, but if yours made it I was going to stick a few next year. Yours did look good in the last picture I saw, but I know cuttings can do that sometimes. Strange how some types of mulbs are supposed fairly easy to root and others much harder.

I’m glad your grafted one is doing so well.

As promised, here are cuttings that I stuck in the ground about a month and a half ago, all of which still seem to be alive after a very cool and rainy April and May so far:

Thank you again for the cuttings, @etheth32992!


Im happy to see them all doing well for you! Thank you as well for the care package It means a lot.

Just realized that one of mine was stuck in the soil upside down… still seems to be ok for now, though:

I assume figs are… flexible… when it comes to stuff like which way is up or down?

Or you can wait till the branch is a little bit bigger then plant the whole cutting. With the branch sticking up.

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@swincher — that reminds me of @RubyTue … who earlier in this thread had one upside down…

It did not seem to mind… had figs on it already.

I hope they do well for you.



Ahhh sigh perhaps I should report on that poor guy. I pulled those figs off, thinking it would stress the plant to try to root and grow fruit. Within a couple days, the leaves wilted. They still had some green until a couple days ago. Now, it’s just a stick in dirt.

He was DC2 and I was so looking forward to him. :tired_face:

@RubyTue … to bad… wish it had made it.

These are the survivors from all the various cuttings I attempted to root. I culled several today that were just very small or looking bad… several has shoots and leaves for a while… but never developed roots.

5 left and one of those is tiny but healthy looking… going to give it a little longer.

I started all of these 2/13 in my basement.


@TNHunter on the plus note, a friend brought me 9 more figs Saturday night! Including one on my wish list (Brooklyn white).

I’ve become a crazy fig lady. I blame said friend. :rofl:

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Here is the one I have left of the cuttings I tried. A dozen tried, 3 made it. 2 have been given away. Also, a picture of a few of the Saturday night gifts.


Here are my fig pops that are overdue for potting up. I started these on March 6, so that’s about 11 weeks in pop form now. They’re just getting window light and the tiniest amount of fertilizer, so they’re basically in a static holding condition. They’ll probably be safe for at least another month if I don’t get to potting them up.


I have a couple staves that have been in DE for about two weeks, I wrapped half in parafilm but there’s two without it

if I pull them out to wrap them, then recut at a higher node, do you think they’ll make it? I hate moving them at all but the end on them is definitely drying out. they’re in damp DE at about 70°-75°

My rooted fig cuttings and apple grafts have been moved to my south side all day sun hot spot and are doing great… getting some size to them.

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Anyone know why my cuttings are doing this? I think I gave a gave little too much water, but it’s been in the 90’s so I didnt want them to dry out.

Should I repot these?

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To me, that looks like they were moved to full sun without enough of an acclimation period. They’ll almost certainly be fine in a few weeks, but I wouldn’t expect those leaves to recover.

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I gave mine about a month on my back porch (morning sun only location)… and initially their leaves would wilt a bit but then recover in the evening after a few hours indirect light.

After a couple weeks they stopped that.

And after a month I moved them to my all day sun hot spot on south side of my house.
They never wilted any since being moved there… looking good… strong… growing nicely adding lots of leaves. I may plant them in ground soon… another week or two.

Giving the best one (below) to my daughter.

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