Ha! Thanks Brady…just popped into my head when I read that!!
thou shall not giveth away thy minimum age, lol
I was very young.bb
Check out my puzzle. My friend sent it after she asked if there was something she could help me come along with during a change of medicine that was difficult Feb. this year. When it arrived about sh** at the number of pieces. I’m going to do it. I’m motivated. I’ll need to do it during winter since it’ll be in the center of my living room on an 8 x 4 sheet of plywood near my sliding glass, front door. Last year after a few weeks I called her and admitted I was scared and would do it next-year. It’s going to make awesome wall art. 4’ x 3’
i like it!
would like to change the title though to “Time Warp”.
literally and figuratively
Love Jigsaws!!!
You need to say you caught it on reruns! Saying you were very young doesn’t give you that much leeway…
well-knit for a close-knit family
exactly Katy, youtube was born 2005, and @Bradybb got to watch the first episodes below
If there is any money left over , I going to look for a diesel powered UTV. Got a Kawasaki mule to trade, need one that a little slower to go along my age.
that comic strip sure sums it up.
it really is a yearning of inexplicable intensity, for many members of this forum…
That’s how I end up with too many plants . Big dreams, small spaces!
that inverse relation applies to me as well. Realtors find it weird i would go straight to the yards first before i inspect the houses.
You should start selling them in the Vegas areas.