Summer 2021 - Show Us Your Fruit!

We have Green gage plums, Braeburn Apples ,Semi dwarf Frost Peach, Dark Concord , and Red Table grapes ,mammoth Sunflowers , ten foot tall Multicolor corn, giant Pumpkins , and a pretty good row of Pontiac reds on 07/21/21 . In South Seattle . Kind of a victory , give away garden - orchard.


Hybrid blackberry (UAark varieties mostly) and wild wineberries. Mmm mmm good.


cant wait until my nelson blackberries ripen. probably another month. dewberries are starting to color up. they are bigger than any blackberry ive seen. taste has more tang to it and less seedy. hundreds ripening on the vines now.

Those wild wineberries are those also named dorman reds? They look just like some that I bought in Atlanta Georgia.

I believe this is them: Rubus phoenicolasius - Wikipedia

They’re certainly invasive, around here if you have one growing, you have a million. The taste makes up for it though, they’re the most intense tasting “raspberry” I’ve ever eaten. There may be some good tasting red raspberries but 2 I purchased and grew, and all I’ve ever had from a grocery store, pale in comparison… Very much pale in comparison…

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They look amazing !

The berries look similar but the leaves and canes are different. Here are my Dorman Reds. I had a wineberry at my last house but moved before getting any berries.


Picked that last early McIntosh apple today.

Seedless Concord in the background.



Very nice Karen! Congrats! My Mericrest scions from you are still growing like gangbusters!
Picked my Buckthorne this am and enjoyed a mulberry yogurt with fresh strawberry topping for lunch. My Titan Buckthorne only 2 years since I planted produced nearly a gallon of berries. So very happy with it.
Pics of Buckthorne branch, and mulberry lunch.



Oh my gosh! That is a beauty!
What does it taste like?

@PomGranny … wonderful…

Quite tart with some sweet too…
When I pick them colored like that one, a little more tart and quite crisp…
If you wait until they turn more of a purplish red… still awesome flavor and tartness but sweeter, and softer.

When very ripe the texture is much like a Red Delicious, that softer texture, but still very good.

I have this one and another on the counter now… and that will be it for the year… other than my fall gold which is only a 2 year tree… but I let it set 3 apples. They are looking good so far, but I hear they ripen very late, late October or later… Hope to get to try those.



Dennis, Im glad the Mericrest is doing so well! It’s a fabulous nectarine. So is Harko. Both have intense flavor! Next year I hope to add some other varieties to them.
The fruit you posted is so pretty. Ive never seen those before. ?
It’s wonderful to see everyone’s harvests after all the planning and effort. :blush:

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I wondered about home grown Macintosh apples cause Im not crazy about the ones in grocery stores. Your early ones sound ‘right up my alley’!
Im waiting for King Davids and Goldrush.
Both trees have quite a few apples. Exciting!

Ive always wondered why more people don’t grow apples around here. ? All I have ever seen at local farmers markets are Lodi and other little cooking types. Mine are doing pretty well . . . So far.

Can’t wait to see what the grafts do next year. Just for fun, I grafted some of my own King David into my Goldrush. The graft is doing super - and it has an apple on it!!! I left it alone to see how it would do.

Maybe if you have Harko scions to spare this winter I would like to add it to one of my peach trees!
Yes we are very lucky that our fruits are producing!
Today I did some summer grafting of some plums and persimmons
Take care, Karen


Harken Peach graft about a week or so away.

Redhaven Peach graft almost ready will pick in a day or two.


I made sure I thinned peaches so I had no time to thin plums :joy:

Early Magic plums last week.

And this week.

They need a few more days of sun. Unfortunately, we will likely have rain tomorrow. I expect more cracking.


i have king david, burgundy, red st. lawrence and liberty grafted onto my 7ft. y. transparent. they all put on 18-24in. of growth. hoping for apples next summer. it set 5 y. transparents last year. but all the grafts i put on stopped it from fruiting this summer. hopefully next year i get a assortment.

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Naeem! I wondered when you were going to post this summer’s fruit! They are beautiful!
What is Harken peach like? If you share scions this coming winter/spring . . . I’d sure like a few of those. How old is the scion on your tree?
Interesting to note that your Redhaven ripened 2 weeks after mine. None of my scions are established enough to produce yet . . . couple more years?

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Probably my total peach harvest for the year on a tree that set well over a hundred fruit. Because they were busy with the cicadas, the squirrels didn’t take them all when they were still small and green. But for the first time, black rot has really set in. I wish I had sprayed for it. These are Contender and I have no idea why they are ripening so early, but it may be that most have at least a little bug damage. This might be another good spot for a persimmon instead…


Thanks Karen. Your Harko and Redhavens are looking delicious and yummy . All the hard work and patience paid off.

Actually I do not want to double post , I am posting all my fruits in this thread for quite a some time.

It is a good productive peach will taste in few days. Please message me end of the season or early spring I can send you some and

( My Harko nectarine graft destroyed by cicadas and I doubt it will make through the winter and you can send me few pieces of Harko scions if it is possible. )

My grafts are from 2017 so four year old.

It is very strange this year my peaches are plums are actually early if we look at Adam county Nursery’s harvest calendar. Its all micro climate and sunlight. I let my peaches ripe at the tree.