The fruit we've never tried and don't know how to get

Many of us have that fruit we want but just don’t know how to get. In this case the target is the mamey sapote among others. Perhaps your wondering what a mamey sapote is

So this is where I found to get it if you want to try one and yes they ship them. I’m undecided on this one like durian it’s in my reach but I’m on the fence

If all else fails never forget about Chinese groceries. The best fruit I’ve had was found there! Here is a thread of hard to get fruits I tried in Kansas. Mangostein is my favorite so far.

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I’ve tasted mamey sapote in Homestead,FL. Very nice and tasted like almonds to me with the consistency of avocado.

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It’s very nice if it’s properly ripe, but the big problem is buying one that’s ripe. If picked too early it will not ripen properly. You can waste a lot of money trying to find a ripe one.

It does not taste like sweet potato or pumpkin pie. It tastes like almonds and vanilla with the texture of an avocado…

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agreed! it sure tastes like marcona almond marzipan custard, and also with strong sapodilla qualities, its smaller-fruited cousin(sapotaceae family). Maturity of fruits may be difficult to gauge. High density relative to size would be a good sign. One may covertly nick the skin to check if the pulp has minimal hues of green or yellow. If the hue is more of orange or reddish, the better. Bigger fruits are generally better.

photo below is a good-sized mamey, together with morado bananas. Possible that the indentation near the roundish end was where i nicked the thing.

evidence of the fruit having been picked at full maturity, as the seed was already germinating ‘in utero’.

below is the seedling, before it succumbed to the tough love i gave it by letting it overwinter outdoors. The futile endeavor that it was…


I am going to tell that you are into cocks fight from the display. The PETA people will sure give you a call!!!

Better to have a cockfight discussion than a politics discussion…but it probably will end up in the same place.

Wasn’t a good idea to introduce such to a fruit forum.

Ok, you are right. Raf is off the hook with those statue of the roosters and they not live animals. He still can send me a couple of pounds of fresh jujubes anyway for the bribe. Lol.


I loved to eat this fruit growing up in Vietnam. It called Lansium Domesticum aka Bon Bon . They are so tasty.





while we’re veering off-topic, have to admit that i got exposed to it growing up in the tropical isles, and there was a brief period of time it piqued my interest, just as i was into bikes, cars, guns, and even katana swords(you know-- the stuff typical boys like). But for some reason the ‘novelty’ of all those wore out in my late teens, and now would rather limit my hobbies to building stuff, growing trees, and lately, growing flowers(of all things!). Seems like my testosterone and machismo levels are dwindling :smile:

as for those brass roosters, let it be known that no animal was hurt in its production and filming. I still eat meat, i admit, but just tiny, almost negligible portions, and mostly fish. So not just my testosterone levels declining, but this human is transforming into a chimp–lots of fruit and little meat, haha


speaking of transforming into a chimp, there was a time in my life when i’d eat those for breakfast and lunch, and nothing else! I’d still do that if only those were available here.

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You can come to my OR and the I can insert a Testosterone pellet in upper hip to get you back to the younger Raf again aka STUD!!!

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That fruit we call Langsat. Some are sweet, some are sour. The better variety is called Southern Langsat, which is consistently sweeter.



Fresh suga


The regular Langsat is hit or miss. The Southern varieties is more sure bet but it is also more expensive, of course.

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I liked the sweet one better. On the way home from Church and noticed a new Hispanic Market and they carried these fresh 6 feet long Sugarcane. I got a couple for snack.


Those canes have dorment eyes, too. Would you attempt to root them?

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At my age, my teeth and jaw won’t like to chew those canes anymore. I love fresh sugar cane juice. It is sweet and fragrant.



I will try to root the tops and grow them in a trash can with wheels.

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In my long ago experience, those eyes closer to the bottom of a cane germinated fater/better. Maybe, more energy is stored at lower part of the cane. Not really know why but that how we did it way back.

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