The really unique apples

A unique seedling i tried tonight that the owner calls juicy fruit. I won’t specify the owners name! Mike and I tried them and we enjoyed this seedling. Thank you for the oppurtunity to try it! It tastes a little like juicy fruit gum.

Fat boy aka butterball orange flesh crabapple

Clarks crabapple


Arkansas black spur type

Wonder what the chickens eat around there?

My favorite apple you have likely never seen before is milo gibson. I wont specify where i was when i took these photos or who all these unique apples belong to. I will let others chime in if they want to. Some of these seedlings are ultra rare! Those orange flesh crabapples have a very good flavor!

Milo Gibson named after a gentleman who belonged to NAFEX. Those who know this one can vouch for it! Blows every other apple away today! I cant tell you how hard it is to grow though i will stake my reputation on the amazing flavor.


Here’s my list of the most unique apples I’ve heard about
Kerr crabapple
Cinnamon girl and Red cinnamon
Muscat de Venus - unique strong grape taste
Milo Gibson - strong anise flavor



That Milo Gibson wow! I didn’t get anise from it i tasted concentrated real apple flavor. Many apples taste washed out but not this one it is amazing! Red cinnamon i have to agree is excellent! You need to try that orange fleshed crabapple!


That “Fatboy” almost looks like a peach texture.



The texture is like that of an apple. It is small and has a very good flavor. It has a lot of potential.


Where might someone get scions for Fatboy?


Wow. Your loaded trees are totally amazing!

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I’m not sure yet where to send anyone to get these scions. This was my first experience with this apple. Im going to do my best to make sure they are available in the future.


They are not my trees though it is an orchard in the nearby area.


A friend of mine is working with NAFEX on gettiing them trees of Milo Gibson since Milo was one of their founders that is very important to that group.

Fat boy orange flesh crabapple we will make sure becomes available in the future.

I’m also interested in making sure more crabapples in general get out there.

I think i will topwork wickson or another apple with fatboy this coming year. Wickson has been a dissapointment to me at my location.


Hope Mike picks some of these up and we can buy them from 39th eventually.


Fedco offers Milo Gibson scions. I grafted it a few years ago here in Northern California, and it’s been healthy and productive - and delicious.


Fatboy looks great on the tree. Hows the texture?


I’d sure be interested in a stick or two of that orange flesh crab


Oh, man, these all look super interesting!
I have been looking for an orange fleshed apple for years! That fat one looks really good.

Would there be any way to get seeds of that variety over to Europe? I would be super interested to grow out acres and start breeding with it in the future.

Thanks for posting these cool pictures!



Very good texture. They are small and delicious!



I’m going to try to see if we can get these available for everyone to enjoy. It’s not my orchard or my decisions but the owner is very reasonable.


Wow that orange flesh one does look “really unique”. My clarks crab bench graft grew a good 4ft and I have a stick I think is still good to try a fall graft. Milo gibson unfortunately I dont think took…

Nice looking orchard. Any rough idea what the spacing between rows/trees is? Im assuming those are semi-dwarf?

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That’d be great Clark.


That really is a striking color. Glad to hear they are not all looks though. Hopefully the owner lets you get the genetics out there. Even op seed would be fun to see the variations with that as a base.

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@JohannsGarden Some of these may be of interest to you given your comment here in the Malus transitoria thread.