In March I received 5 cuttings of Gold Manukka table grape from the UC Davis repository of varietals. They’ve been slow to start but now all of them have leafed out.
This morning I transplanted a Bears Lime from 24" box container into the ground.
Richard, what is the makeup of your soil. In all of your pics, it looks grey. Thanks!
The underlying soil is decomposed granite going 10’s of meters down. It was once under coastal marine layers and consequentially contains Calcium. On top of the DG is 5" to 10" of greyish coastal clays, and on top of those were 5" to 10" of terrestial clays. When I purchased this property in April 2013 the rear of the property sloped down at 45° for 10’ and then extended another 10’ to the property behind me. I built a set of retaining walls and brought the property back up to “level” – although there is a 1° to 2° slope for drainage. During this phase there was extensive grading which moved most of the top clays to the rear (as fill) plus another 150 cu.yd. of DG fill trucked in from a nearby construction project.
So in places on the surface the tan colored DG has traces of the grey clays – some left over from construction and some from excavation of tree holes.
Here’s an aerial picture of the property during construction. The green plants in the photo are my entire collection in pots!
Richard, the property is interesting as are your orchard and garden plans. I too would have built a retaining wall. I am constantly amazed at what you can grow in Calif. Wish we had more of that sun and heat.
This afternoon I finished planting the Kunkerberry (Carissa spinarum).
Very interesting fruit, Richard. Tell us what they taste like.
A bit like blueberries, lower moisture though.
Richard your going to have to open up a market!
The view from above your property will look differently soon with all the green!
Here’s an aerial view from about 9 months ago
Richard, do you plan to mulch your orchard? If yes, then with what? Also are you gonna leave those big circles unmulched?
The basins (circles) extend out to the future final drip line of the tree canopies. They are currently mulched. Between the tree basins I will build a winding miniature golf course – but only about 32" to 40" wide. I’ll fill the remaining places with 3/4" gravel made from local recycled concrete plus build some walkways from the same.
Here’s another view of my Panache Fig – loaded with fruit that will be ripe this fall.
That’s a neat idea.
So Richard is there going to be a 19’th hole?
Overlaid on the image you see outlines of 3 patios.
In the front yard, top right corner of the red triangular patio is near the beginning of the planned put-put course.
In the backyard, the red patio is for BBQ and leisure.
The blue outline is for a future 19th hole patio with fire pit in the center.
The green rectangles are veggie and herb beds under construction.
I bet it looks even a lot more greener now. Your going to have lots of fun with guests. Do you make wine? You could have a large variety of wines. I like to brew beer. I would have a tiki hut with home brews on tap!
Nope. I grow table grapes for fresh eating and juice. Exquisite Syrah wines from California vintners are available in local stores.
I live about 1.5 miles from CA freeway 78, which is subtitled “Hops Highway”. There’s 3 craft breweries within 1 mile or so from here. My favorite beer though is from Poland (Żywiec) and available at BevMo – also about a mile from here.
I’ve never tried it. It’s brewed by Heineken which is my favorite beer to drink out of the store. I’ll see if they have it next time I buy some.