Anyone here grow that hybrid? If so. … how’s the fruit? Got one right now on its 3rd leaf, has tons of flower buds. Wondering if it’s a keeper, or a Zaiger dud.
Never heard much good about it. Mostly negative comments from forums members here. Very poor fruitset and bland flavor.
I know i read it was hard to get fruit to set. I have it. Mine should flower, who knows about fruit. Its sounds interesting, but me thinks its all just marketing.
Planted in 2012, shovel pruned in 2016 , replaced with Candy Heart pluerry
I’m keeping mine and may graft some things and oh yeah,no fruit yet. Brady
What was the reason for replacing it? Was it taste, performance, or something else?
Hmm… mine seems to have tons of flowers (almost all buds are white/pink) and was hoping to hear good things. . Ugh!
I have two. I tought that were finally going to produce a great crop this year, but they didn’t. My potted one set one fruit, and the inground one set about ten fruits.
Muddy, I never got any fruit, and nearly zero blooms. Since space is limited (I only have an acre) and water is priceless here, my trees have to earn a spot in my garden. Bella was scoring an F, so out with the poor performer, and in with a hopeful new cultivar.
Patty S.
Thanks, now I understand how it let you down. If a fruit tree won’t give fruit, then it’s not really a fruit tree.
Well said.
Only an acre! I have one lot! And it’s not a big lot either! It’s probably a good thing, i would have such a large CC bill filling it! Maybe one day I will. i do need to move, although starting over at my age…not fun! I could transfer the shrubs, or take cuttings etc, but the trees would have to stay.
Thanks for the reviews about this one. Strange why they would release such a tree with so many other test trees? Oh well.
It’s good to see some fruit.Were they hand pollinated? Brady
They were pollinated by my Proprietary F1 Moormark Apricot.
4 years is not a long time, some varieties like walnut trees can take seven years or more to produce fruit
Matrix, in other parts of the country and with other types of trees, I would say yes, that’s a valid point. However, where I live (N. San Diego county coastal area) and with this type of tree, it should have the least bloomed. All other interspecifics in the same area have bloomed and produced fruit. This tree was going on its fifth leaf with no flowers. So, out damned spot, and in with something that has a better track record, even though it’s a new-to-the-retail-market cultivar.
Patty S.
Five years and not one flower,Patty.That is unusual.
The top of mine died about fifteen inches above the graft,during the first year and then had quite a few flowers the next and not quite so many this season,but looks like no fruit again,after three years.I hand pollinate with Flavor Grenade and other Pluots. Brady
Now that I know that my F1 Moorpark Apricot pollinates Bella Gold, I will graft a couple of Scions onto both peacotums.
Here is the peacotum I have planted in full blossom. It’s from Raintree. The first peacotum I planted in 2013 died but they replaced it. Planted in 2014. It’s about 4 foot tall but I clipped off about a foot a couple weeks ago. I need to prune it some more (and should have done so before it woke up!), maybe take off those lower branches because I’d like to get it to a nice open center eventually. But I don’t want to kill the tree by being over-eager with the shears. Does anyone have advice on pruning and training? This is my weak area!
I have two Flavour Grenade pluots and a Santa Rosa plum as pollination partners. Right now the 1st Flavour Grenade you see staked in the background because I’m trying to spread the limbs. It’s in bloom now too but was about 5 days behind the Peacotum. The 2nd FG is to the right of the 1st in the image, the Santa Rosa is to the left. The 2nd FG was planted in 2015 and has no blooms yet, probably next year. The Santa Rosa has blooms but they haven’t opened yet so they’re not matching up with the Peacotum. The blooms on the Peacotum seem to be very long lasting - they’ve been open at least a week and are still going. I’ve also noticed bumblebees and honeybees flying between the peacotum and the FG and have done some hand pollinating. Even if it sets fruit I’m going to pick it off because I want the tree to focus on growing this year and get a better form established.