Tillamook/Carmine goumi in stock at Whitman farms. (an they ship)

Tillamook/Carmine goumi in stock at Whitman farms. (an they ship)

I just received my beautiful 4ft tall Tillamook/Carmine goumi from Whitman farms. Yes they ship. It was packaged perfectly and the lady was great to work with. I can’t believe how big and healthy it is. Whitman farms is great!! Cost=30$ shipping=25$

(503) 585-8728


Calling! cries in millennial

Thanks for the tip, I’ve been looking for this one. OGW got red gem and sweet scarlet back in stock, but not tillamook.


I don’t have much luck receiving non-dormant plants in the mail when it is 90F+ outside, but if anyone is closer to Oregon it seems like a good opportunity. Thanks for sharing!

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I’ll give them a call. I wonder what the price would be to ship a few plants to Maryland would be. I tried to get them from burnt ridge this year but my order was cancelled and they sold out. I tried rooting hardwood cuttings (knowing it can be difficult) of some scionwood they had in stock, and I got a few leaves, but no roots. would really like some carmine


Are you planning on transplanting immediately? I’ve planted fruit trees with success in the middle of summer by pruning off all terminal buds…which was a trick I learned from Jim Putnam on YouTube and figured I would try since the previous year the tree I transplanted died from what I assume was transplant shock. But this year I got a couple bush cherries late and I am just keeping them in pots until fall just to be safe.

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Lucille of Whitman Farms in OR is wonderful nursery owner. Her products are good quality.

If you want plants, esp. unusual ones, check her out.


@Buckeye @jeremybyington @Bigmike1116

I edited the phone number its correct now

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@mamuang I agree she is great. The plant is beautiful


@Bigmike1116 it was only 25$ to ship mine to West Virginia

@jeremybyington im going to plant it in ground an keep it watered. Thank you for the tip

Thanks to this thread, I just ordered 2 mulberry trees from Whitman. Last week they are sending to California.
I was going to order a Morus nigra, Noir de Spain, but she said they will bear little fruit in California. So I ordered a Paskitan and White ivory. My own Pakistan mulberry was decapitated by Mr Squirrel.

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Thank you for the thread. I just ordered one to replace my Red Gem that the voles murdered this winter. Lucille said she has plenty yet.


Thanks again for sharing.

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does anyone know what her cell is? I called and it went to voicemail and the voicemail said to send a text to a number, but I wasn’t prepared to write it down and missed it, called back and someone picked up and told me to call back later

I would try texting this number: (503) 510-0486 and ask for a callback to place an order.

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yep! she actually texted me from 503-510-0486


How are your mulberry trees you ordered?

has goumi been hardy for you in z4b? in 4a its marginally hardy. my red gem got killed to the snowline 2 winters ago but comes back and fruits the 2nd year after.

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She will send this week, I have not received the email with my FEDEX number yet.

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Thanks to this thread I am finally able to find a goumi plant for sale!! I actually tried buying multiple time from them last year to no avail, but this time around they took my call/msg immediately haha…