Which tomatoes are you harvesting this year and how do they rate?
grape tomatoes from seeds from grape tomatoes.
first ripe tomato here in north jersey, dwarf eagle smiley tomato.
Very flavorful and sweet, with a tartness that mellows with a deeper golden color. Picked yellow, they are bright and acidic, picked golden and they are pretty close to sungold.
Tons more ripening!
I picked 2 Celebrity tomatoes about a week ago. Good sandwich tomato.
A few other first picks today, from left- micro dwarf mini marzano, black strawberry, micro dwarf jochalos. Marzano was very juicy and sweet. Others were sweet/tart. I’ve never harvested tomatoes in June, they’re a couple weeks earlier than I’m used to this year.
Here’s a relatively small Stump of the World. I got a couple two pounders after this one.
This is one awesome tomato. All I need is to figure out how to get it to pollinate during the heat … I get early ones and late ones and not much in the middle.
You’re already harvesting Stump @scottfsmith. That’s impressively early. I’m just starting to get some smaller types ripening.
So far I’ve harvested a small handful from a Super Sweet 100 that was planted early and protected. Nothing else is sized up yet except maybe the Big Beef that was also out early. Black Cherry is probably the next closest.
To get them going early I started my tomatoes in March under grow lights, and I planted them out in early April in a mini covered greenhouse. I think the blossoms that are ripening now are ones that actually started under the grow lights. They are also grafted so are super vigorous.
I like tomatoes and all… and am growing mine in 5 gallon buckets which give me all that i ask of them…
But i think this guy is a little more serious about his tomatoes.
I used to grow 15 foot tall plants for competitive gardening
Harvested some sungold today… and found this scoundrel at the top.
His last picture ever !
Remember… a black light makes horn worms and stink bugs glow in the dark.
My second small harvest of Maglia Rosa. These are a great little tomato. Would this be considered a pointed grape? Too big maybe. It is a smallish plant, some would call it semi-determinate (whatever that really means), with whispy foliage and almost always the first of my cherry types to ripen with Sungold right behind.
I like them at this coloration, when they’re still crisp, although they get even sweeter if you let them get a little more red and softer. I actually find that several of the grape types I grow, including Lucky Tiger and Brad’s Atomic Grape, really change in flavor and texture and it takes a while for me to decide how I like them best.
Alice’s dream on the left, we really like the taste of this one. Pinocchio micro dwarf on the right. Pinocchio was more tart— I’ll let the next ones hang a little longer and see if it changes the flavor any.
Still Growing Dwarf Tomato Project tomatoes in Earthboxes
I picked some to ripen inside. It’s been over 100 for the last few days, and they don’t color right.
Very cool to see. I’m actually very interested in dwarf tomato project varieties as well. I have about 12 different ones growing—none ripe yet. I’m eager to see how they taste. Aside from the color issue, how do they taste? I have a few varieties in that you have planted. Uluru ochre is one that I was looking forward to tasting—I really like sweet orange and yellow varieties.
What I meant was I picked them before they were ripe, because they don’t ripen evenly if too much sun is on them. I haven’t tasted any of this years harvest yet. I also like the orange bicolors, which are sometimes the sweet, fruity ones, that I think will be reminiscent of “Pineapple” which I used to grow in the ground.
I am also looking forward to Uluru Ochre; I’ve seen good things about both appearance and taste, and this is the first time I was able to get seeds.
Looking forward to hearing how they taste for you.
I’ll be back! Maybe you have already posted this, but which Dwarf Tomato Project tomatoes are you growing?