Tomato Seeds Recommended to Me

I get too many diesase and pest issues with large tomatoes so I focus on cherry/grape varieties. my favorites so far are:

Number 1 by far for rich deep tomato-y flavor - black cherry

great flavor, brighter than black cherry - sunrise bumble bee

small size but good bright sweet clean flavor. wildly cold, disease, and pest resistant. wild type so it grows like a weed. white currant

unique flavor and just fun to share and watch people’s surprised look when they eat it expecting a bland green tomato but it is quite sweet and tomato-y green doctor

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Fill that out with Lorelei, Dr. Carolyn Pink, and Galina’s Yellow and it makes a nice cherry tomato ensemble.

Yes, I’ve tried Early Girl a few times on the East Cost and with cool spring, hot mid summer, plenty of rain and high humidity it as never early and was one of the first to stop producing.

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I think I will try Black Cherry this upcoming season. I have super sweet 100 but I like the idea of seed saving over buying seeds for hybrids every year.

Is Galina as good as or better than yellow pear tomatoes? How about super sweet 100 and black cherry?

I saw Galinda and considered it. I love super sweet 100 but feel I want open pollinated so that I can save seeds for next year instead of buying them.

I am going to try Azochkya, thanks for the recommendation.

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To throw a wrench in this and narrow down, how about what are the best early open pollinated tomatoes? Does the badge “heirloom” equal “open pollinated”?

I am thinking I would prefer to have varieties that I can collect seeds from as well, for the next season.

Thank you!

Also, I found “Thresh Seed” which is less expensive/more seeds and appears to only carry open pollinated seeds? Any opinion on them?

I recommend Lorelei (red), Green Grape (green), Dr. Carolyn Pink, Hibor (orange pear), Galina’s Yellow, and Black Cherry for a range of colors along with superb flavor.

Of early tomatoes, Gregori’s Altai, Bloody Butcher, Early Wonder, Matina, Stupice, Sasha’s Altai, and Siberian are pretty good.

I suggest these sellers because I have several years experience with them.

I tried early girl many years ago when first starting out. They were early but quite bland… i found a variety that was even earlier (from gurneys)… got a ripe tomato on May 30 that year… but they were even more bland.

I never found a really good tasting very early tomato.

I have long growing season here… but still … it is nice to have early tomatoes. I grow these…

Days to harvest…

Sungold - 64
Super sweet 100 - 70
Big Beef - 73

Then my later tomato is pink brandwine.
Worth the wait.

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TNHunter, grow more varieties of tomato. I’m somewhere north of 3000 varieties and still finding good ones I never heard of.

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Tomato Growers supply company does not carry bloody butcher seeds…where do you get them?

I’ve heard Early Girl is only worth the space if you can’t ripen other beef steaks in a short season.

I’ve been growing Pineapple tomatoes for a few years. Very sweet yellow/red streaked. Ripens late, but I put it in a terrible spot usually.

@Fusion_power — I am too lazy about tomatoes now days.

If I cant but nice fresh young tomato plants at some local nursery, coop, TSC, Lowes, walmart… they are just not going to be planted in my garden. I have not grown sun gold in a few years, cant find them local. Big Beef and SS100 are available. If I could just find sun gold I would be happy.

Hey… I am retiring… in a couple days… I could put more effort into it now. But will I ?

I grow Sun Gold, Big Beef, and about 300 more varieties just about every year.

Dragonfly, I gave 3 sources. 2 of them carry Bloody Butcher.

I saved some bloody butcher seeds this year that I can send if I remembered to write the name on them

Looks like only the last one has Bloody Butcher.

Sandhill has not yet updated for 2024. Glenn will probably have it available. It is under red tomatoes.

Black Cherry
Anna Russian
New Big Dwarf
Kellogg’s Breakfast Potato Leaf
Eva Purple Ball
Stump Of The World

I ordered these seeds

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Thank you, that is so sweet of you to offer! Let me know if you find them. I am also looking for “Heidi” paste tomato. My San Marzano’s had BER the first and only time I grew them.

Is there any variety you are looking for?

I grew Heidi & Opalka this year, and will probably plant them again in 2024. That said, I didn’t like either as well as ‘Garden Gem’, out of the UofFL breeding program - I couldn’t find GG seed last year, but now that they’ve licensed that out to Proven Winners, it looks as though they’re back on the market.

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