Top production strawberry varieties

We’ve been working on a nice strawberry area this spring and I’m hoping to plant it this fall. Which strawberry varieties have folks had the best luck with? I would like to get an even mix of June bearing and everbearing so we can make preserves and have strawberries all summer long. Curious which varieties have been good producers with awesome flavor?

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I really like the Darselect variety by Nourse Nursery. Sweet with good flavor and excellent runners. They also has many good varieties to offer.


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I have Jewel, have been happy with them, but have really never tried anything else (except for store bought junk)

I’ve had amazing results this year from Mara de Bois.


Rutgers Scarlet Select
are all great varieties, my first year with the Rutgers, they are winners

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Where did you get the unique varieties you listed? Anyone tried candler or seascape?

all but sequoia can be ordered from Nourse Farms.

Chandler? That’s what I’m growing now

We planted Seascape this year, the few berries we’ve gotten have been large and richly flavored. We also have Albion, and Tri-Star. I’m going to pull Albion out, the tri-stars are average flavor, but productive.