Trees arrived for 2022

An exciting afternoon. My fruits trees and rose arrived from Delbard. The package is enormous, over 7-8 feet tall. They are three year old trees, almost at full grown height. Ready to plant in pots this Saturday.

1 cherry; Montmorency

1 apple; Reine des Reinettes; one of the best tasting apple for cooking I have ever tasted. Makes an excellent, pie, tarte and applesauce.

1 rose: climbing Nahema.

It looks like I have a mummy in the courtyard! Cannot wait to unwrap them!


So exciting! Glad to hear you got your tart cherry! I ordered 3 as soon as I got a catalog from my favorite supplier. Two weeks later they returned my check as they were already sold out. Went elsewhere and ordered 3 varieties (Montmorency, North Star and Meteor). Hope they actually arrive.

Do they have huge fruit tree shortages in France like we seem to have here the past 2 years?

Your bundle of trees is mighty tall! Nice someone offers such large sized bare-root fruit trees. I am envious as I think mine will arrive as 4’ whips. What does Delbard charge for such a large bare-root cherry tree roughly converted to U.S. currency?

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Wow! That’s huge! Hope it all does great under your loving care.

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I ordered a apple tree from fast growing trees. They offer a 5-6 foot tree. They charge 180 dollars plus oversized shipping charges but you will can a massive tree.

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If you have never tried it and don’t mind soda (I drink FAR less these days) then you should definitely add some tart cherry juice to Coke. It blew my mind the first time I drank it.


$119.99 for both trees, one rose and delivery. I don’t think thats bad?


I hope so! My Calville Blanc died. Fingers crossed.

Now that is interesting. Maybe diet coke.

On this misty rainy morning Moose, my helper, carried up the new new pot and two gigantic bags of soil. We unwrapped the trees to find out they were packed beautifully in straw, lots of straw. They are now potted and ready to leaf out! I will rearrange the rest of the pots on a warmer day. It was great fun. Hope I get some cherries soon!!!


Thanks for the photos! Good luck with your trees.

It looks so lovely there! There are 13 cm of snow on the ground where I am in the US. How soon does the ground thaw there?

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We don’t have frost or snow, its zone 9 a-b south of France. The trees are enormous! No way could I carry them myself, or the pots or the 50lb. Bags of soil! The cherry is easily 8’ feet tall and the apple is 7’. My other trees are going on year three. I will have apricots, tons of Mirabelles, white peaches and if my new apple blossoms its the perfect pollinator for my second espalier apple. We know what my lemon can do! So glad you’ve joined us!


(Happy sigh)

Sounds wonderful!

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Mrs. G.,
I’m happy for you. I’d like to hear from you how a cherry tree will do in pot.

You got a good deal for 2 large trees, a rose bush and delivery. In the US now, delivery alone costs more than a tree.


It still shocks me how mild the climate is there, considering the latitude.


I understand, but the sun and temperature is very mild and lovely. 67 degrees today. Lunch outdoors! Its lovely.


I am too. I have my fingers crossed. It is the largest tree too. The espaliers are very expensive, but tree prices are about the same as yours.