Trip to Century Farm Orchards

I got some rarities just in time last spring, eh?
Or, perhaps he’s just sold out early and hasn’t quit.

Just left there. Big crowd at 11. Waited about 10 minutes to get a turn at the tasting table and liked Keener Seedling the best. They had a few trees of it so I got that.

I liked the example of a planting hole. Especially helpful for the city folk who moved to the country.


“Did you know that the hole’s only natural enemy is the pile?” The Simpsons


Thanks for sharing. I have Keener Seedling that I’m hopeful to fruit first time next year. I havent tried it yet nor heard much about it except late ripening.

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The Keener was at the very end of the tasting table so after tasting a bunch of tart apples, it was a sweet treat! Nothing pretty to look at though. That one and Summer Banana were distinctive enough to stand out flavor wise.


A thumbs up to David at Century. I emailed him tonight to see if I could add to an order due to be shipped on Tuesday. He quickly replied with a new invoice and can get it out as scheduled.

I got to thinking on the long drive back home from the open house that I am not get any younger and best go ahead and get some more trees. I will be 70 by the time the ones planted now start to fruit. :disappointed_relieved:


I wouldn’t make a hole that big unless the bare roots could spread that wide.

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When does Brushy MT LT ripen? Relative to Gold Rush, is it before or after?

It might be too late for z5 so trying to figure out if it is appropriate


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My tree is a small graft and I don’t have enough samples to say. I made a whole tree of it so in a few years I should have more data. About all I remember is it is quite late. This year the deer got all on my small graft.


Shout out for summer banana! A great producer this year (35 apples) and quite tasty. From David on MM111.

Last year I got one but impressive in size.


Wow nice. What month did those ripen for you?


Here’s Century’s sign from yesterday. Some of apples were starting to rot especially the Grimes Golden. I didnt plan on taking a pic of the sign but took a pic of my wife bagging apples. But she wouldn’t let me post it as she said her butt looked too big. Lol


Picked some in August but the best flavor was early September.


Your response of course must be, “no honey your butt doesn’t look big”

Follow along. It’s in the book page 6.

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Thank you. That clarifies it for me.

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