In my opinion anything that grows on my land without protection to be native at this point. The only things that are ‘invasive’ seem to be the things that birds and things that live on my land like to eat… so they are welcome to provide their own food forests and habitats.
while they are ‘usual’ here in this forum of obsessed fruit growers… to most of my community and honestly to most folks Persimmons and Pawpaws, Figs and Mulberries are unusual.
If i may step outside of the lines… I really only grow unusual cultivars for the most part. Cultivars which have been lost…or are hard to find. Almost no cultivar i grow can be found in box stores and most not in the nursery trade.
I grow alot of Elderberry cultivars but i dont plan on eating them…the birds seem to really enjoy them and im ok if they spread the seeds wherever they want.
I grow some hazels… the wildlife seem to want them more than me which is ok.
Im getting into Haskaps… they do well here so they are native to me now.
Garlic- most of my garlics are from all over the globe… they grow here well so to me they are now native.
I try to do polyculture the best that i can and i am ok with nature taking its share… which is ‘Unusual’.
you said to exclude tomatoes etc that you can get from big box store…but none of the tomatoes i grow can be bought from any store or roadside stand i dont think… they are heirlooms.
I am in 6B/7 depending on the climate change thing… There are many figs that you can grow in ground… which is my newest unusual thing.
Lots of hybrid persimmons which were bred here in the US…so they must be ‘native’.
My Egyptian onions were brought from Europe almost 200 years ago… im not sure my family has been here that long… so Egyptian Onions are more native to the Americas than I am.
I also grow some aronias, gooseberries, lots of nuts, currants, serviceberry, sumacs, blackhaw etc etc… but i am a birder… and most of them are not for me.
I think most of my chestnuts are Chinese and Heartnuts are from Japan… my dad planted them 50 years ago so they are native to me. He was massively into nuts… i am not.