Upper Midwest Growers

It seems birds here go after the darker red apples. Liberty especially gets attacked.


funny that they will pick off my unripened redlove oddysos but not touch my juliet cherry loaded with ripened fruit right next to it.


I’ve noticed that Liberty is a snack magnet for many animals. The deer, voles, and caterpillar love them. This will be my first year getting fruit off them, so I don’t know about that yet. The only apple trees I’ve seen that the wildlife likes better are Pixie Crunch and Tolman Sweet. I wonder if there’s not more nutrients or sugars in the bark.


I don’t have Pixie Crunch. My Tolman Sweet trees both crop very lightly (which irritates me), but I haven’t noticed much bird damage. Deer do sure love browsing the greenery though.


Bought a pack of ebony rose pluots at store. Going to try growing out the seeds. My seedling peaches (from store bought fruit last august) have put on some growth this summer, but not sure if there will be budwood to graft onto my mature peach tree. That peach continues to color up. I have no idea what these will be (seedling tree also)…they might even be a white flesh peach. Hope not.


My one surviving honeycrisp. At least that’s what it’s supposed to be. I’ve never seen honeycrisp so red. Lost some of apples to the windstorm the other night crabapples and asain pears hung on well. First year getting to sample from trees planted 7 years ago.


Do you think it might be mislabeled? I tried growing HC many years ago but didn’t have any luck so i just cut it down. I remember mine had some weird leaf issues

My peaches are white fleshed… I have zero idea what fruit this came from… I did try a damaged fruit (ants were invading it) that was soft and it was very good.

It might be. Its my most vigorous tree out of 12 to 15 varieties. Everything I’ve read makes it sound like a slower grower. Hopefully i get to try it in a month to find out.

That apple looks a lot like Frostbite. I suppose it could be one of the redder sports of Honeycrisp

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Does SWD get into peaches and apricots?

When I went on Fedco to see which vatiety it could be mixed up with the picture they use of honeycrisp is all red so maybe. They dont say anything about it in their write up. Also saw a couple other possibilities of what it could be.

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I didn’t notice them in apricots. I’m going to spray the fall raspberries to keep them protected.

For some reason i have an Osage Orange growing and this year it put on some very long branches that are shooting out into the yard and are full of spikes. This wasn’t well thought out. When you cut the branches they have a ton of sap.

I’ve also started pruning the oak trees.


It may be one of the newer, redder strains. It’s the same old same old. What market pressure did to Red Delicious it is now doing to Honeycrisp™.

The ability to color is crucial. Retailers now want Honeycrisp to be at least 50 percent red. Growers are striving to achieve that with pruning, reflective fabric and redder strains.

Milkovich, Matt. "Honeycrisp Is the New Honeycrisp." Good Fruit Grower. 13 Oct. 2022. 08 Aug 2024 <https://www.goodfruit.com/honeycrisp-is-the-new-honeycrisp/>.


I have SWD ruining my raspberries. I wad going to spray Sevin to protect my fall raspberries but I just discovered that I have hover flies in my yard which I don’t want to kill. So I am debating to spray or not to spray.

I’m buying a bottle of malathion…i’ve got a bumper crop of raspberries on the way.

I have already bought a bottle of malathion but raspberry was not list on the bottle therefore no PHI or what so ever.

SWD wrecked my summer raspberry crop. This week im going to begin spraying spinosad. I know it’s not super effective but I have a bunch of other pollinators I’m worried about harming. Blueberry bushes also look unwell. Not sure what’s going on there, maybe the constant rain has neutralized the soil? Red leaves and not a lot of new growth this year. Apple leaves looking crispy. Year two of fruit growing is proving to be even more challenging than the first lol

I might just spray and pray.

Pear is loaded again this year. Some sort of bartlett seedling. Won’t be ready for a few more weeks.

I had 1 pluot hanging on my tree (just one grafted branch) this year and the other day i was walking to the car and a squirrel ran right in front of me with it in its mouth. I grabbed the hose and sprayed him out of the tree and he dropped it, but the top was gnawed pretty good.

Wow, lot of pears on the tree. I bagged my asian pears so I only allow about 150 per tree. Otherwise I would have run out of bags and run out of steam to bag the fruits. Still I saw some messed ones.
My yoinashi is ready to be picked. The rest cultivars should be ready soon following the Yoinashi. Korean Giant will be the latest in October